Goodbye... I'll be back one day I hope

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _Berd_, Feb 16, 2014.

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  1. Another irreplaceable person left kaw berd good luck brother take care
  2. Berd You Made Kaw A Better Place,Stay Happy Dude,You Will Be Missed
  3. noo froggy
    will miss u a lot..whose gonna pop up out of nowhere when me and sabby troll on wc?
    All the best in rl..hope to see u back soon
  4. Damm you Bird!!!!
    You seriously had to make me cry ?!
    For all the crazy drunk pms with you, for all the french/portugese jokes , for all the times i called you frog and u called me (Sabine Marie) , for all the teasing arguing laughing and loving, i will miss that .
    I met you when u just started this game and you were a nooblette . Uve always meant alot to ultra , and you will always be . The cc quizzes i do is no fun without u ever , and who wil harass me in pms when ur so drunk calling me names!? And who is gonna jump on wc teasing me when i post silly stuff?
    Yes like you said , we have been planning in rl forever now its abt damm you pay me the visit. You owe me FROGGY MAN!!!
    Berdie - You're a great person, a wonderful friend , a funny frogg, an amazing man.
    Thank you for being a part of my life and a part of Kaw , you've added some sugar and spice to it in your own special way.
    This is a damm sad day i hope kaw wont lose a great person like you and id like to believe ull come back one day to us .
    As for the litterature prize u voted for me , if give it up if you come back to us .
    PS: you had to call me "Sabine Marie" even in ur goodbye message huh!!
    I have u on the most important social network so ill be stalking ur statuses , stalking ur pics, stalking ur messages,poking you, and poking you and more poking untill ur sick of me and come back here .
    Love u my frog.
  5. Berd i dont know u but ur post made me emotional . Hope u come back. Till then good luck n happy life 
  6. Take care and hope RL treats you well! Will miss whiskey drinking ee wars with you.

  7. Berd, wish you all the best! Like Kukie, I'd like to object but RL trumps KaW (barely!) Good luck and happy trails buddy!

    Ҝǿ₮ʄҽ ༺Á̸P☣Ć̸Ạ̸Ł༒ཾPṨ̸Ξ༻
  8. Berd,

    I'm so sorry to see you leave but understand completely. You are a wonderful person and will be missed. We would love to see you at the annual kaw BBQ someday.

    Although your good bye made my cry, I will smile when I think of you.

    I wish nothing but the best for you in rl. You are a great guy and kaw won't be the same without you.
  9. I feel sick reading this, berd you were always good for a chuckle and new point of view. Players like you are why this game is awesome. Not tap tap repeat.

    You will be missed bro ,

    Ps. Can I have your panda costume 
  10. The real world always takes the best

    Why does it have to be this way

    Best luck in your journeys️
  11. Nice berd 
  12. Berd

    It's a sad day too see you leave. I'll miss the fun times in cc. Best of luck in RL Brother 
  13.  you were an awesome wc in s2! Sad to see you fly berd. Hope your wings bring you back soon! 
  14. Berdogaaaal!!wth i already miss u bro. u r allways funny to chat with. i hope u comes back soon. love u bro (no homo) <3
  15. Luv ya lots Berdy u will be greatly missed. Ur hustling for funds in osw was legendary and unmatched. I hope rl allows u to come back to us soon as u are irreplaceable. Take care and stay in touch

    And don't think this gets u out of our bet on the World Cup! :)
  16. Berd, bro keep well. One of the good guys, good luck and take care ️
  17. Even though I never knew you, you seem like a respectable player. It's sad to see you go :( gl in rl berd
  18. Goodbye Berd  hope you will be back 
  19. Take care and good luck in RL, Berd! 
  20. I don't know what to say I'm so sad at the min, from the 1st time I met you bud I knew you were a great guy I will miss you deeply my friend gl in rl
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