Goodbye Cruel World

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Tash_777 (01), Sep 17, 2012.

  1. want to kill us* Damn it, where are you brain?
  2. My uncle committed suicide

    Quite recently

    Most of my family has

    It doesn't make a nice story, I'm still waiting for the happy ending. I've even called helplines before, I should know.

    please don't write any more. Ever again.
  3. It's actually decent. Not horrible but not so awesome either.
  4. Percyous, whenever I posted a story on pimd (I have only posted 3 in total) I asked for constructive criticism. I tried to improve it and I listened to my readers. I don't strut around like I own FF. I am just (barely) a teenager who writes for a hobby.
  5. That's the beautiful thing about stories. They don't always have fuzzy feeling, unicorn and rainbow, everyone lives happily ever after endings. You think this is bad? Try picking up a god damned newspaper once in awhile, or listening to the news every now and then. The whole world is full of some pretty ****** up ****, and just because someone doesn't write about it in a story, doesn't mean it's going to stop.
  6. Drgn: In all honesty, fine.

    But it irritates me when people write/talk/whatever about things like these so carelessly.

    Not one comment from the OP has been directed towards the fact that this topic should be treaded upon lightly, and the OP seems to be insensitive to the fact that this hits close to home for a lot of people.
  7. I've known a LOT of people that have committed suicide, my father included. I don't care about the topic. People are free to write about whatever they want in my opinion, as long as it comes mostly from the heart where I think writing should come from. It should be 90% heart and 10% mind to put it all into words. If the op has no idea what the **** he/she is talking about then perhaps we might have something to discuss. Who's to say though that he/she isn't really writing about him/herself? Because he/she said?

    I don't know, irregardless of the outcome I'm out.
  8. In reality, I would never talk about such a subject like this. But it is the nature of the character not to care. I apologize if my story has touched a nerve with some people, but this is my story, and I won't change it.
  9. Nor should you.
  10. Thank you- I'm sorry, but this hits a nerve for me because mine was rather recent. Fresh wound, if you will. I know you don't care (now), but it tends to differ among people.

    Anyways, thanks for apologising, OP. I'm sorry to go full out hater on anyone, I really am, but there are certain things that I just fly into a rage.
  11. You need me to fight anyone candi dear?

     FF is odd to me, tis my first venture - but your wall intrigued me, and I must say this is a pleasant change to the cess pool that is AT
  12. Eh, as a writer I agree you shouldn't change it. But as a person this is.... Disturbing. I very well know a guy who attempted to comit suicide. It's no joke. Especially your latest update on the pimd side.,....
  13. Freaky bottoms... o_O
  14. No, no m'dear Portal noob. 'Tis fine.

    Welcome to FF. Cesspit to many, haven to few.
  15. Mhmm. As to the story at hand,

    I just don't feel anything from it.
    It's like you've just manifested some form of how a depressed/suicidal person acts, and thrown in a corny romantic twist. To me, this is not original. And support PIMD haters.
  16. I can't say much about the story topic since I know very little about suicide, etc. but writing wise there could be some improvements.
    1) Please capitalize the first letter of every sentence!
    2) You've got your story moving pretty fast I think, that's sometimes a good thing but you neglect description. What does the school look like? What's the weather like? What do the classrooms look like? You can't describe everything but at least do some.
    3) Punctuation. You're missing a few here and there.
    Jk I meant please give me more part of this story
  18. Chill it guys, everyone has his/her opinion.
    And there r stories here, u just have to find em.
  19. *cough* front freaking page *cough*
  20. Yep it is. Sorry bout that lolol