Good Guys And Bad Guys

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Le-Monkey, Sep 1, 2015.

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  1. you quoted me but didnt answer the question at all.
  2. Nope I answered it. You are just refusing to acknowledge it.
  3. well, maybe a stupid answer, I'll give you that.
    If i show you 'evil' verses of the quran, how do 'evil' verses of the bible counter that? not.
  4. The good guys and bad guys concept is a rather abstract and complex problem.

    Say what you will, your opinion on the matter concerning the Bible vs the Quran is your own and yours to stand firm for.
  5. Im gonna sleep now but first.
    This thread does not condone any form of violence or intolerance. I wanted to give my viewpoint that each person in these conflicts is just that. A Person. Like you or me. You if given their backround would most likely take the same course of action be it that of a terrorist, a civillian or a soldier.
    Just please respect that not everyone can be split between good and evil. Please. Evil in my opinion is a state of mind. To be evil is to acknowledge the fact that what you are doing is wrong and continue doing it anyway. Many people believe that they are the 'good' guys. And that goes for all sides in any conflict. Night KaW. And calm down I am not pro-terror or pro-holy-war.
  6. Bad goods and guys guys
  7. If what you say is true then why don't you go visit Isis and tell us how that works out for you. The difference between a soldier and terrorists are. A soldier goes to a foreign country halfway across the world so you can post degrading remarks of comparing us to them. While a terrorists kills their own people and fly half way across the world to blow themselves up with us. I am in the army been for a very long time and I have been to Iraq and Afghanistan there are good Muslims and we work with their militaries to root out and destroy the terrorists. So your argument is invalid because if soldiers of our country and theirs view them as terrorists would that make us and their own people wrong?
  8. What point of mine is invalid. I am saying that EVERYONE in these conflict are individuals. Not a group they ARE PEOPLE. I am not condoning any acts of violence however.
  9. Goodnight kaw and to stop further bickering
    /lock please
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