Ok so we are all kids and dumb if we don't agree with you? Please good sir. Inform me of who I have and have not interacted with. Of which faith I hold dear. Of what I think of others. Those that I have worked with in various roles. And those I have met through circumstance. Now assuming we are all dumb and narrow minded. Please allow me to explain this simply. Genocide is wrong. Yes it's a word you may need to look up. But simply for us dummies. Killing all non Muslims by extremist factions. Note carefully how that was phrased. That would be an act of genocide. Now we have right vs wrong. War does horrible things to good people. Bad people enlist into armies too. Heck at times it's the only time they will have a use in civilised society. Allowing people like yourself to belittle and insult those willing to lay down their lives for you. But don't worry. It's simpler than that. In general normal healthy society, one does not simply walk around cutting the head off innocent people. That would be considered a BAD action. Bad actions like that are normally committed by would you believe? BAD people. I know shocking right. But alas. The world won't change because a bleeding heart wishes it was a nicer world to live in. The world is not nice. Not all soldiers are nice. Many are, but all of them are willing to fight and die for idiots to be able to spout off crap about them. How about you make a stand for your nation before you compare a soldier to a terrorist again.
Very interesting and well thought out points. You have elaborated on what i have been to frustrated to state clearly.
Look up the Crusades, and then look up Islamic Conflicts. The Islamic ones started before, were more intense, covered much of the Middle East and Europe, etc. And the crusades stopped a very long time ago. The Jihad hasn't stopped yet.
There's always bad people in every group. Nothing in this world is perfect. There's soldiers with bad morals and Muslims soldiers with good morals. As a whole though, I would definitely classify militarized, let's say USA troops, the good guys. Will all of them be good people? No. But I agree with Zeth in the fact that the jihadi are more well known for their radical ways. If you compare a soldier fighting for their country to a brainwashed jihadi beheading someone because they disagree on religion then I don't see the contest. The jihadi is evil in that aspect. Now do American outlooks sometimes crush down apon other countries to get what they want? Yes. Although as a whole I feel that even though no side is perfect, the American soldier 'side' would be the more moral overall. Just my two cents.
crusades of 800 years ago? to conquer land muslims took from them before? Palestine... what does this have to do with christianity, more specific, christians who live in iraq?
I am not comparing the two! I am statingbthat they should not be grouped and stereotyped as they are all individuals. This applies to soldiers as well.
@Zethor; parts of it. And as far as I can see it is a book of peace. Where does it say kill the infidel?
Thank you Shaun although I could have elaborated more to try and end the 'confusion' but frankly im a little cranky.
As for ISIS, Islamic State, whatever the media calls them or whatever that those former AQI jihad militants choose to call themselves, I am fiercely opposed to them. There are so many reports of people being beheaded and their heads displayed in public wherever ISIS is in control in parts of Iraq. It is an outright war on anyone who does not adhere to the extreme, medieval ideals that ISIS adheres to. There is no question about it. These murderers are EVIL.
You really haven't read any of it have you? Everywhere. All throughout the book. In one part it literally says to seek them out and slaughter them. It details to cut off heads and fingers. Etc. Will provide verses later. Gtg now.
This thread is just outright stupid. Terrorists Muslim extremists who go around blowing up national monuments and killing anyone who's not part of their group. The military is protecting America from the next 9/11. I wouldn't be surprised, but if you're too young too remember it 9/11 was pretty bad. Lots of innocent people died at the hands of terrorists. Last time I checked, the military doesn't kill thousands of civilians unnecessarily just to say they can.
Quran (8:12) I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them. Quran (8:39) And fight with them until there is no more fitna (unbelief) and religion should be only for Allah
@Pineapple: I personally have not ever condoned violence. I hate war. I truly wish people could be tolerant. As for ISIS I am also opposed to their actions. But remember IS would most likely not have emerged if the USA and Britain did not toy with the Middle East.
When have I condoned such actions? NEVER! I am merely asking people to recognize everybody in these situations as an individual.
When one mad freedom denies another his. He is a terrorist. They have been offered freedom and choose to fight to marginalise and fragment their nations. Not to unify. But to segregate out of hatred and corruption.