Lol I love it when little noobs justify a 90% fail rate with "burning pots"! Lol Eddie stl 6/6/11 no pots used no fail
@ foxey Not trying to prove anything. Just trying to have some fun. Also our clans are at cf, should you be running your mouth on the forums? @ hulk Actually, no where in this thread did I claim I was gonna hit anyone. I just said I was going fishin. My hand just slipped on the attack button. I swear. Lol
Dude if you knew me you'd know I run my mouth wherever I please LR know this. Best thing about them you don't have to change️ And yes, in a way it looks like your trying to prove somthing. Like I said news talks. And also go battle someone your own size. Jesus Christ man, you go with your bad self
Lol foxey actually Eddie seems to be enjoying attacking me. All the power to him. Actually, to tell the truth, I made this thread a bit by accident. I made a longer, flashier thread, but kaw forums won't let me post it for some reason. To check to see if I was forum banned or not, I made this thread, which managed to get posted. (Oh the irony). Anyway, sorry for the fair nature of this thread. Hopefully I can find what is wrong with my actual thread and try to get it working. ( question to all: could including new emoji in a thread be a reason for it to not post?)
Hahaha right. LR? Im not sure if they have started them yet. Personally I would like to punch ee's in the face lol, not a fan of them.
I agree with TnT EEs.. I dunno if a fancy the pretty ornemenats you can buy with the crappy little mith award or not.. Frog, I made so pretty epic threads in my time to be fair. I got forum banned though because apperently as "Justin the Dev" said... I have a potty mouth. Which I don't, clearly. I'm just a "verbal" person. ️
@Merlyn-Go back to being a chump. Its better than 9/10 of the crap in AT right now. At least someone is hitting someone.