gone troll fishin

Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Apr 15, 2013.

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  1. It's called burning pots 
  2.  Caught himself a noob.
  3. Lol I love it when little noobs justify a 90% fail rate with "burning pots"! Lol

    Eddie stl 6/6/11 no pots used no fail
  4. @ foxey

    Not trying to prove anything. Just trying to have some fun. Also our clans are at cf, should you be running your mouth on the forums?

    @ hulk

    Actually, no where in this thread did I claim I was gonna hit anyone. I just said I was going fishin. My hand just slipped on the attack button. I swear. Lol
  5. Dude if you knew me you'd know I run my mouth wherever I please

    LR know this. Best thing about them you don't have to change️

    And yes, in a way it looks like your trying to prove somthing. Like I said news talks. And also go battle someone your own size. Jesus Christ man, you go with your bad self
  6. Lol pin some for me frog. I would join but im busy with these eb things.
  7. Lol foxey actually Eddie seems to be enjoying attacking me. All the power to him.

    Actually, to tell the truth, I made this thread a bit by accident. I made a longer, flashier thread, but kaw forums won't let me post it for some reason.

    To check to see if I was forum banned or not, I made this thread, which managed to get posted. (Oh the irony). Anyway, sorry for the fair nature of this thread. Hopefully I can find what is wrong with my actual thread and try to get it working.

    ( question to all: could including new emoji in a thread be a reason for it to not post?)
  8. Hey TNT. I've missed you from my news. LR having any luck with these EE wars?
  9. @Frog. Why didnt you let the thread die? All you look like is a fool.
  10. Hahaha right. LR? Im not sure if they have started them yet. Personally I would like to punch ee's in the face lol, not a fan of them.
  11. I agree with TnT

    EEs.. I dunno if a fancy the pretty ornemenats you can buy with the crappy little mith award or not..

    Frog, I made so pretty epic threads in my time to be fair. I got forum banned though because apperently as "Justin the Dev" said... I have a potty mouth. Which I don't, clearly. I'm just a "verbal" person. ️
  12. @Merlyn-Go back to being a chump. Its better than 9/10 of the crap in AT right now. At least someone is hitting someone.
  13. Try fishing under a bridge, ok?
  14. fishy
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