
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Amigo_Tonto, Dec 31, 2011.

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  1. @iger, that's not actually his main. That's someone who he hates, and he wanted us to farm that person.
  2. Main's name: ili___detective_nat___ili
  3. Lol why doesn't anyone believe me?
  4. Where is your evidence for that accusation A_Z?
  5. Az, u got some expirience with this fail? Do tell.
  6. All I want to know is how I get money to buy gold
  7. If thats your main, your questions are all fail trolling and therefore moot. Hw has 9k wins and a hl achievement. Derp. He knows how to attack obviously and make gold
  8. Question answered on first page. Hopfuly lock now.
  9. I hope it doesn't lock
  10. It's funny how right after detective nat "got into a fight" with someone in Deadly Crusades, that this alt was made and has been trying to get him farmed. Hilarious, huh?
  11. >:D quite hilarious
  12. Question answered

    I alerted Benny, but he already blocked my other two accounts and hates me, so I doubt it will do much.

    Proly deleted my post by now.
  13. My question is not answered!!!!! :mad:
  14. If this thread gets locked I will create it again!!!
  15. And again... And again. Til you get banned for spam
  16. Ha this is funny some off these ppl wouldn't know trolling if it buttfucked them in the ass lmao
  17. @Supreme Noob, are you... Leprechaun_Warrior?
  18. If it what them in their what? :0
  19. I smell profanity
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