
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Amigo_Tonto, Dec 31, 2011.

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  1. Fail troll.
  2. Can't people just volley me? That would make things so much easier.
  3. But that would simplify
  4. We could
  5. Well how am I supposed to get gold!?!? I have no money!
  6. I lol'd reading this...
  7. To earn gold. you must sell your body.
  8. But I have only 1 body, if I sell it I will only have my soul!
  9. How many people have 60 loses, 12 lands yet only 3k stats, are named supreme forum noob, and then ask to buy gold in a thread on their first day and complain attacking is to violent?


    Or, just look at his wall. :lol:
  10. No. sell it. as in. become a prostitute. its the least violent way i can think of.
  11. I'm not a troll, I'm a hybrid between a troll and a goblin. So I'm 1/2 troll.
  12. That also makes you 100% stupid
  13. @AfterGlow: but my religion forbids prostitution!
  14. Is there a game function where I can get a job?
  15. [​IMG]

    That pic would be gg if mister mc failtroll heres main account name existed... >.>
  16. Lol I mad a typo
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