Gold Made by for Single Actions in Hauntings

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by James_Ralph, Oct 10, 2012.

  1. Already ages ago i calculated given my own build, stats, the values of a single hit on attack assass and pots, based on a 15 min full regen strategy

    We had a fixed eb rotation system and compared the results of comparable ebs in the 24 hour cycle

    Lineair programming enables to compute single hit values, getting an equation like this:


    In this way you are able to calculate values of a single att assass and pot value

    Then once exploring a new land, build on that same land every building you wanna test, comparing stats of 2 new Hauntings again and then write down in what way stats and results change

    Then break down that building, and put a new building to be tested on that same land and repeat the
  2. Repeat the sequence. It's a time consuming and costly process, but if you really wanna know, good luck !!!!
  3. We did seal of deflection test last night...

    93 mill for 7 seals

    13.28 mill per seal
  4. Jesus! We got Einstein here. I like the way I did it better. No need to go into quantam theory!!!
  5. Seals r about $13.3mill. I have many (legal) alts. 2 hansels where hlbc and had the exact same allie bonus but earned slighty different in the haunts. The variable is the bonus which is calculated from the damage done. As the damage isn't consistent nor is the payout.
  6. Remember Hansels will need to use the large attack pots to hit Haunting (unless they have a BFA of over 30mil) for some reason a lot of Hansels seem to forget about the hundreds of million they just used on attack pots to hit when calculating how much "more" they make.
    I remember a thread a few months ago someone had tested with his main and alt, one Hansel, one Attack.
    Ended up the Attack build makes more.
  7. @Pat and Covert
    The price you receive for each seal hit drops the more you do.
    So if you solo an item stage in Haunting, the first seal will vastly outweigh the last in gold per item.
    It's to stop huge gold being funnelled to one player every Haunting. You could build up huge banks this way.
  8. Skip u got this info elsewhere? Could u post it in our messaging group?