gold cap

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DIRTYGROWLER, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. ^spam

    get 'em belle!
  2. Idk bout you guys, but I get 104m max plunder. I'm a level 92 warrior Mage.
  3. There are five tiers of attack buildings three tiers of spy buildings and two tiers of defense buildings. A building can be leveled up three times with the exception of spy and defense buildings which can be upgraded a total of four times. As for lands you can explore a total of fifty lands twenty five lowlands and twenty five highlands making the "gold cap" fifty lands explored with all tier five level three buildings or as its called T5 HLBC.
  4. You are instantly at the gold cap if you trade in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 for an omnicorn.
  5. 25-15-21_1-18-5_19-20-15-16-9-4
    Turn them into numbers. Etc 1=A and 26=Z and so on
  6. The answer to everything is 42
  7. :roll: :roll:
  8. Unicorn! :shocked:
  9. :roll: fail bb :(
  10. My girl has a Dutch cap
  11. Why are people so gay on the forums...
  12. The cap is the cube root of 7.
  13. It's 10,000,000,000,000