Godsin build

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by beschatten, Jun 22, 2010.

  1. Insane information!!! Had no idea Hansel made use of the Sub. Thought it was for exploiting "too weak". Hansel needs pots to attack in war with sub than, correct?
  2. Not necessary, but it depends on how many allies the build has. Last war I only had enough allies in attacking to get free wins on 60k def players. Anything else I needed pots for.

    I had some killer spy allies though and with pots I could assasinate a leaderbaord player with impunity even though he had all pots like mad.

    Your build after LC and budings is all based on your allies.

    I'm a Hansel build with a good split of spies/attack. I think I'm 400k/500k 300k/300k or something like that.

    I pwn pure spies as I am almost a pure spy and I have allies who are not quite lc pure spies or other Hansel builds.
  3. Ahh makes sense now. Great information on end-game strategy.
  4. Hansel build sucks.
  5. Actualy I was the first to do it... I had it since subs came out...
  6. Nah, Hansel sucks the build has merit.


    No, by the math it is in theroy the highest money making build. You really have to shop around to make it work right though.

    I don't have the build finished yet and all my contemporary players are way ahead of me. Sometiems that happens.
  7. Just a little clarification for you Swabia, if you buy an ally who's bonus to attack is 518K, you get 518K on your 15-25 million strength attack (depending on your buildings) so buying one ally at 30 B doesn't come close to 'doubling your strength'
  8. The reason godsin doesn't need as many forges is his ally attack bonus is probably 20 million or higher, the equivalent of a bunch of subs
  9. As many subs* rather
  10. Hmmmm Im pretty sure Swab knows that.
  11. Edmpk xxxstxxx ally attack is 55M so i'm sure godsins is much higher...
  12. I very much doubt that. He's just 4 ranks over me.... That would be insane. Unless you have a screenshot :D
  13. What are the finer details of Hansel"s ally build? Maximum plunder for minimal cost?
  14. Minimal cost? Ha. You need a few hundred billion in allies to make it really useful.
  15. Any particular attributes needed from allies?
  16. Wrath, if you read his previous post it would seem he didn't know that. Only reason I pointed it out. I'm curious what the LB ally attack bonuses are i'm still under 5 million.
  17. Only one doing it?!? I'm doing it even more. I've torn down from 12 factories all the way to 4, as I built up my ally bonus. I won't say exactly how much my ally atk bonus is, but let's just say that it's between 20 and 30m. And I'm only #20 on allies lb right now! Imagine those top guys! Dang!
  18. Well that settles it lol. Doesnt matter what build a person goes, its all in the allies.
  19. No, A large part depends on buildings too. Allies aren't easy to collect, only very few come that far.
  20. "It's all in the allies" has been true forever, but keep in mind, it's only for a relatively small group of people well into their endgame build that this is true. For like 95% of KaW or more, the strength of the build is far more significant than allies. Allies outweigh the build after you are past land completion, past build completion, and have amassed hundreds of billions of gold worth of allies. For anyone else, which is almost everybody, the build is far more important than allies.