But what's the use of spreading the gospel if they wouldn't read it?.... It's like you bought a guitar but you wouldn't even use it.... And ppl these days are stubborn (including me) and don't believe in Christianity that easily. But look at Jesus. He just show it, then they begun to believe. They aren't used to even have a religion (some are) but if I am agnostic or an atheist, I would look at religions as like "praising a rock" But they just don't know the stories themselves. If they know, some even don't know how would it feel like in real life or, not even know if what mood each word says. How would they read something they don't know?...... That's my point... I would tell them the main and much clearer version (for them) without deep words to really know Christianity before posting a gospel......... Just saying, but I can't do anything if that's your choice... Please don't be a late post, please don't be a late post.....
I'd like to post the lyrics for Bo Burnhams "Sunday school" song in response to this. Sadly, that would get me banned. But hey, you know the name of the song now if you are so inclined to go listen.
Says in the Bible in last days that the gospel will be preached all over the world before Jesus comes back. You all have the knowledge now, my job is done. Whether they receive it is up them. He is coming soon. And it is against religion to force anything on anyone. But I'm gone though be blessed.
I've lightly studied the bible for many years, and I've come to a conclusion. If God really does exist, I don't want to worship him. Have you read all the terrible things he's done to "his people"? Also, since he is "all knowing" and omniscient, and knows everyone's future, why would he create a world in which 70% of us would go to hell? Sounds like a terrible God. I'd rather not spend the rest of forever worshipping a half assed God. No thanks.
I used to think god didnt exist. Then i lost my virginity. Then I woke up from my dream and realised I was right all along.
Thought this was John 3:16 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
So much for no trolling or flaming. Some people just never learn. And as for miss upton Well kermit lets be honest. Miss piggy is far more your type.
Religion comes down to this- the human brain is extremely controllable. We can be brain washed/ conditioned to believe something. I'm a Yankees fan because my dad was a Yankees fan for instance. People really need to take a step back or away from what they've been conditioned to believe. Read a book about the Red Sox , or about the history of the universe , an atheist book , a communist book whatever The point is that we need to stop being sheep. Because when you're a sheep you're easily controlled and that's really what this is all about . Make decisions for yourself , but before you do, get information from a other sources and opposite points of view . Happy Wednesday lol