support yes but also why not let the (super eb) hit back at random of course hence you need to opt in just like an event(pvp) would be interesting challenge instead of ebs not hitting back let the (super eb ) hit back once in a while limit the hits like say youre 3 mcs it hits you with youre stats at random like a bot witch i dont think there are any bots no more the devs took them out years ago it was only to get kaw started but an EB BOT hitting back would be cool also in that respect the bot should not be able to take gold just used to weaken you a bit ect pm me wall me if you think you like the idea im all in favor of this thread support support support
That's really all EBs are, honestly. Clan "Quests" haha. Keep spreading the word, I post in WC when I can but could use some help.
I support ~ Make a new spell for Warlords to cast if they want their clan taking part in this community wide eb what might make this even cooler is if clan families could start an eb and invite certain other clans to assist them. Example: Clan A starts the community epic battle. They want Clan B and Clan C to join them but not Clan D or any others. I would really like that.
Alright everyone, I really need your help promoting this in WC. I only get so many speakers so please, if you support this, leave an ad in WC every now and then or this will die and never come to be!