Global EB Event

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by OG-Sticky-BoC, Sep 4, 2016.

  1. *Bump*

    Recently returned to the game and would still love to see this. I hope you're all doing well!
  2. I think this could be especially fun if it were really hard (rn we have about 10k ppl hitting 60k which requires 5-10 unloads a day) so a 24 hour eb that wouldnt be killable easily (requiring lets say 250,000 unloads from an avg size account) could actually be really cool - maybe an event lb for who does the most dmg, and various tiers of rewards
  3. 222 replies before this post and not a single reply from anyone on the development team =(
  4. I want lots of free stuff.
    Thrawn likes this.
  5. Include limited time premium items that can be used in eb that would give your clan bonus that would make it better than current premiums. Wouldn't take away from KAWs pockets and everyone gets to enjoy the community teamwork. Would also make it tiered, so we complete 1 move on to next which is more difficult but make the time to complete one running time. For example 5 tiers with 7 days to complete and rewards for each tier completed. Of course would include damage rewards, plunder, and hits total so it encourages large and small guys to participate.
  6. 👉👈 Global EB @Devs please?
  8. Also known as a new premium eb with extra steps
  9. So we've gone from kingdoms at war to kingdoms fighting together? 🙄 No ASW. Joint ebs. May as well just ask for all accounts to be mirrored by one person and be done with it
  10. Also ...we kind of have global events with promos. What we should be asking for is higher reward harder ebs. Not harder to hit...but harder to do in their complexity. Random bars..where the item to hit it might change. Or there might be a sweet spot. Highrise. High reward.

    For what it's worth. But I'm sick and tired of promos. And a global event is esse finally exactly that. Keep it clean based. Harder ebs. Or a multiday eb for clans.

    Global events are just a dump idea given its the top clans subsidising for the smaller ones. Or high xstal ppl for none xstal ppl.

    And it's just another damn thing to track and deal with. It's bad enough we have side side side legends/challenges
  11. Support this idea. I know they’ve done community driven campaigns before. So don’t see why they couldn’t do this. It could be linked with giving out a reward for the top plunderers. Then a global plunder boost or a new charm or dedicated plate drops
  12. Support.

    What would be the difference from a usual EB though? I feel it would need to have different rewards to usual EBs otherwise what’s the point?

    It could be cool to release new lands that only drop plates from these worldwide EBs.
  13. We need this