Giz's Idea

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Gizmo, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. That's the whole point of this idea. Make it interesting. Slow down growth. Put a little more risk involved. :mrgreen:
  2. No support..this idea is purely hansels wont serve anything for attack builds
  3. :roll: It wouldn't benefit anyone in the game as for as growing is concerned. It would make it more fun and exciting.
  4. Also, does attack build not have a scout button? Did the devs take it off? Would attack builds not be able to scout off the battle list and attack someone who has tons of gold out? You should think before you post.
  5. This idea is great, it makes PvPing much more satisfying to know that you are dealing some damage and aren't just unloading on someone with only 1B out. You got my support, however much that actually matters. :p
  6. I like the idea but add a element of risk the person scouting loses 1.5 times what they would have Gaines if they fail the scout this would add an element of the risk to the attacker as well because in war sometimes being the attacker comes great risk. Where the money would come from their Bob or pots to pay the defender
  7. *bronze bars
  8. I support this idea i like ^_^
  9. Excellent idea! Would help promote pvp, SUPPORT!
  10. I like the idea and agree with others on here:
    1. It should cost more scouts to do this or be hard to succeed (like 40%-60% it will succeed).
    2: If failed the attacker losses 1.5x what they would have earned.
    3. There be a mith spell to block the action.
    Over all I think it's a great idea and it will put WAR back into KaW.
  11. I like the super scout idea