It is every players responsibility to read, and follow the games TOU. You op, obviously have not, and several times none the less. Therefore.... STILL NO SPPROT!
Support Sometimes other players provoke you to no end. And you're just following the crowd when you get singled out
When i got unsilenced second time i was happy and told all my friends then slept ,, next day i sow i message from kaw saying that ur perm silence becuase u bypassed a player by saying mother fuker ass hole ***** ..... But i swear i didnt do anything they told me u will get 3 month silence .. And now its 1 year and a half i reseted so i get unsilenced but still nothing happened
You have agreed on the terms of use when you signed up on kingdoms at war, those that fail to follow the rules will be punished appropriately, the developers/support staff, do give people another chance but if you blow that chance it's highly likely that next time you appeal the silence won't be removed. Don't want to be silenced follow the rules. ️
Lets all yell support! Cause 90% of silences are unjust! While we are at it, why not just cause a riot and overthrow the devs? /sarcasm