To funny men can't get their crap together and blame us. Lmfao, only comeback is why are we not in the kitchen..... Well because I'm out making a crap load more money than you in the work place. That on top of having kids caring for elderly parents, and a disabled husband. Y'all can't even grocery shop without a lady making you a damn list.
I thought you guys only made like 75% of what we do... Dang it. Patriarchy failed again. Should we try again boys? :lol:
Bump to show that some women want "Equality" But in all trueness want to be superior Also wage gap doesn't exist
Who needs to organize? Just find a woman and slap her in the mouth...done deal. Tic not advocating violence so don’t get panties in a wad. Is panty reference insulting? Good.
I don’t mean to keep bumping this post, but why do you feel the need to try to convince people you are superior Lady? Aren’t we all supposed to be humble in victory?