Draginfly, let me check if I understand. For example, Player A has 10 Health Crystals and Player B has 5. A wants to send 7 xtals to Player B. By paying do you mean that after the gifting system is complete, Player A has 3 xtals left and B has 12, or that Player A has to actually pay real money to gift the 7 xtals to Player B?
There is a game that I play on PC which has a similar ability. You can't gift anything that you currently have in your inventory, it has to be a new purchase which goes directly to your intended recipient. The item never goes to to your personal inventory. I believe there is a limit to how much, i.e. value, that you can receive in gifts in a certain time frame. It could easily be set to let's say $150 worth of gifts in a 30 day period so as not to allow for gift abuse by whales.
Player A actually spends real money to gift player B. The reason you can't just give someone something from your inventory and you have to purchase it is so people do not create multiple accounts to farm quests or to get rewards that the developers give us and transfer them to a different account.
Kaw does not need ruined by a gift system. It creates gift hoarders and more moochers, worse than HTE moochers and equip freeloaders today. If you want to gift things to other players, so see how bad PIMD is.
People already demand seals as a cf, why not xtrals, anyways this would easily be abusible by players creating a crap load of alts and questing for xtrals. The only thing I can think of for the gifting idea is a pimd style gifting system where people can gift items to increase stats slightly.
Would be a good idea if you could only purchase them for somebody. Not go into your invetory but go directly to theres.
What if like when you press 'send gift' it brings you to the marketplace do you have to buy a new one for them