90% of gifted amount will not reach receiver. A person may only give 1 gift per day. A person may only receive a maximum of two gifts per day. The max gifted amount is 100 billion (meaning the receiver can get a maximum of 10 billion from a gift) Can only give 1 gift every day I also forgot to mention that you cannot gift the same person multiple times in a row. . Gifts can only be given by owners to allies. Gifts can only be given to fellow clan members. All ur restricitons. Already is that a big list and there are still more problems that can come from this
90% doesnt go to receiver i think that is too much no one would gift at all. maybe 2x amount given is better.
Did you say that you earn plunder based on how much gold your target has out? Lol You make same amount no matter what.. You have played this game for acouple months and don't have enough experience to formulate an idea on how to better the game.. Ask for a lock and let the adults speak..
I don't see what is wrong with having a long list of restrictions. Also, what major problems do these restrictions not solve?