Giant Magellan Telescope (Space Discussion)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seth, Feb 12, 2015.

  1. ""Just a Theory": 7 Misused Science Words

    "A word like 'theory' is a technical scientific term," said Michael Fayer, a chemist at Stanford University. "The fact that many people understand its scientific meaning incorrectly does not mean we should stop using it. It means we need better scientific education... Climate-change deniers and creationists have deployed the word "theory" to cast doubt on climate change and evolution...."It's as though it weren't true because it's just a theory," Allain said.

    That's despite the fact that an overwhelming amount of evidence supports both human-caused climate change and Darwin's theory of evolution.

    Part of the problem is that the word "theory" means something very different in lay language than it does in science: A scientific theory is an explanation of some aspect of the natural world that has been substantiated through repeated experiments or testing. But to the average Jane or Joe, a theory is just an idea that lives in someone's head, rather than an explanation rooted in experiment and testing." ... nce-words/

  2. You're just posting someone else's opinion, give me some facts that evolution and the big bang are real. Other than that, they cannot be proven and are a THEORY
  3. Your kinda proving his point by not simply reading his post fully.
    A scienctific theory is backed by repeated observational and experimental findings it
    gets peer reviewed and is subject to change if new evidence is found.
    Things like gravity combustion are examples of theories based on science like evolution and the Big Bang
  4. Show me repeated findings and observations of the big bang and evolution; cant because they develop over millions of years. Soooo?
  5. You'd like him to compile countless studies and peer reviewed journal entries on it? On the fossil record, on the logic of these theories? You want him to post the math of the Big Bang, which you wouldn't understand? You want him to show you the picture of Cosmic Background Radiation and how it shows the aftermath of the Big Bang (admittedly he probably could show you that. But I imagine he's too busy)?

    In scientific circles these are simply some of the most agreed upon things. Study after study, in the high 90's% of scientists who agree, tons of research and math. And I speak as a Christian myself, with our current understanding of our universe, this is what we think most likely happened. This is what all our evidence, and thought, and testing, and experimenting points to.

    *And the fact that you think there's no evidence because it happened over such a time scale... Sigh.
  6. If you don't even understand the meaning of the word theory it's doubtful you'd understand the findings and observations used to support them. However, if you're really curious, the same internet that allows you to come here and demonstrate your ignorance to the world can also be used to educate yourself. Google is a wonderful tool. Use it.
  7. There's a very distinct difference between a theory and a law.

    Let's take the theory of the Big Bang. It's a guess. It's kind of like a "oh this MIGHT have happened, but it can't be totally proven"

    The law of conservation of mass states that you cannot create something from nothing, and you can't entirely destroy something. Mass will always exist, just maybe in different forms after a chemical/physical change.

    In this case, the law can be proven and tested true time and time again.
  8. How can you be Christian and believe on the big bang? The ignorance :lol:
  9. Theories aren't a "might". They're a "with the best science currently available at this time, this probably (most likely) did happen".
  10. So basically it might have happened, because you can't prove it
  11. You believe in an all powerful God and you think he couldn't have created Natural Laws or set something like the Big Bang in motion? Look up deism.

    Also, I don't take the Bible as completely accurate historical fact. It's a nice book of parables written by men over many, many years. Undoubtably not to be taken literally, and also flawed. This is where we probably also disagree.
  12. You go back in time and watch it happen, and refuse to believe it until you do so.

    I'll stay here and look at all the evidence saying it did happen, and with the time I have left over until you finish, learn more.
  13. I never said I believed in God, if you, do. Read the first couple chapters of Genesis buddy
  14. Sorry I just stopped driving, just read your comment about the bible. I'm not a Christian or believe there is a god, and I also don't believe in any theories. I'm just saying, if you say that something is fact then prove it. If you believe in God, the bible says that it IS THE BREATH of God, and God ordained it. So, you don't believe that God inspired man (or can)?
  15. @ IlTRlI__SethosaurusRex__lITRIl

    Very close, but not quite. A scientific "guess" would be a hypothesis. You start with a hypothesis and then conduct experiments based on laws, like gravity, to prove your hypothesis. If your experiments prove to be correct, verifiable, and repeatable, your hypothesis can be advanced to a theory.

    "scientific laws are descriptive accounts of how nature will behave under certain conditions. Scientific theories are broader in scope, and give overarching explanations of how nature works and why it exhibits certain characteristics. Theories are supported by evidence from many different sources, and may contain one or several laws."
  16. A theory is simply a construct (a model) that describes the world (or some part if it) as we observe it. As long as observations and experiments don't contradict a theory, it is seen as a valid theory. Physical theories become accepted if they are able to make correct predictions.

    Many scientists have no conflict between their faith and science, they are seen as adressing separate forms of knowledge and aspects of life. Narrowmindedness creates incompatibilities between both, in my opinion. Not character trait a scientist should have if trying to be successful.
  17. The parables in the bible only start heavily in the New Testament, when Jesus uses parables for examples.

    Genesis is not a Parable. This is agreed by many Christians.
    The Garden of Eden did exist. As did Adam and Eve.
    As Did the Serpent. And the fruit.

    It didn't take God Millions of Years to put us here. It took Seven Days.

    You may not believe that, which is your own right, but luckily, God doesn't need your permission to exist.

    Back on topic.

    When is the Telescope set to be finished by?
  18. You mean like when you said "If you read the bible it says that God only created life on earth" and then didn't prove it when people asked you to?
  19. 2020, iirc
  20. This is just off memory, in the bible it says "God created the heavens and earth, and man on earth. And he was glad." Also that man is created in God's image. Why would god leave man with a misunderstanding of other life? God wants the focus on him, not to be looking for things that he did not make clear. That comment was for the guy who brought up god. Can you show me where it says other life exists?