Giant Magellan Telescope (Space Discussion)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seth, Feb 12, 2015.

  1. You had an extra bracket at the close image part like this [[/imgfit. The original seems to work on my tablet which is why I didn't post using fit. One of the mysteries of electrons I guess.
  2. There's only one Galaxy worth seeing and that's andromeda ;) (I might be a little bias..)
  3. Science is an amazing thing.

    Sometimes it isn't always for the best, but sometimes we get amazing things like this.

    Even the small things are rapidly evolving.

    Two years ago, fingerprint phone access was the subject of prank apps. Now it is real.

    Apple recently bought the rights to make a flexible material for their iPhone.
    Bendy IPhone's (excuse me, intentionally bendy iPhones)

    And let's not forget the minty fart patch.

    Artificial Intelligence is coming a very long way. Scary long way, as several respected people in the field admit.

    Robotics are pushing the limits of our imaginations.

    Imagine what else we'll have in another ten years.
  4. Singularity.

    You are welcome :)
  5. For more on the big things coming, check out the YouTube video "Humans need not apply". Interesting stuff.


  6. I've posted a new information/discussion thread about Ebola. You can view it here.

  7. I second that, great video

    Also, here's another cool pic of the M51 Whirlpool Galaxy

  8. Just watched this. Amazing and entirely accurate. I'm glad what I want is what will be needed.
  9. The reason I said andromeda is because I've seen it through my own telescope ...



    Bar none the one video that'll make you think

    'We are from the future'

    Super positioning is a reality and is how quantum computing works

  10. This was very interesting
  11. This was a fantastic read.

    All the comments and additions were great too. Especially Acetowns and BlackDragons.

    Love Science, Maths
  12. To the person asking about the pillars of creation:
  13. Delete broke D:
  14. I already posted that 
  15. And here its again!! Sorry lol

  16. "Every single atom in your body—the calcium in your bones, the carbon in your genes, the iron in your blood, the gold in your filling—was created in a star billions of years ago. All except atoms of hydrogen and one or two of the next lightest elements. They were formed even earlier, shortly after the Big Bang began 13.7 billion years ago...You and everything around you, every single natural and man-made thing you can see, every rock, tree, butterfly, and building, comprises atoms that originally arose during the Big Bang or, for all but the lightest two or three elements, from millions of burning and exploding stars far back in the history of the universe. "
  17. No problem. I enjoy my mind being blown 
  18. :lol: big bang is a theory, just like evolution
  19. I read about neutron stars last night. They're rather interesting. They're just like bigger atom balls.