ghost legion

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Mr-Nemo, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. King areek are you trying to make yourself look like an idiot?
  2. fresh to death with my shades on
  3. So player? You been farmed to hell yet?
  4. Accually, 0 inc… all talk is what they are lol
  5. Hmm interesting...

    (Damn you replied fast lol)
  6. OP give me 1 More day to grow, then we'll have alot of fun together ;)
  7. Are you like...10 years old?
    Your post contained alot of butthurt and bad spelling...
  8. Nahhh mainly typos due to tpying so fast haha
  9. If you say another thing to slander me or this clan player I will not hesitate to forget my morales for a minute....
  10. dont lie about the inc
  11. Mmm…… ok
  12. Do u want screen shots? Lmao 0 inc absolutly non for past 45min
  13. This guy all talk doesn't do anything Rolf
  14. And your msin?
  15. He always claims to have a main but he doesn't LOL Superbrat uninstall already
  16. Lol :* okkk
  17. Is that proooooovoto? :O long time no see after i made you reset lmao