Discussion in 'Wars' started by Terror, Nov 23, 2013.

  1. You guys know it's a exploit in the game and yet you complain that devs are bringing it down with the rest of us
    There's nothing you can do devs have made the decision and think about it there would be more people complaining about this exploit for devs to act on it so crying about it won't help either just suck it up and spend all that gold you've been saving up for allies
  2. I found hilarious this ghs chest bumping. Nobody was complaining about how badass ghs are. Because they are not. At the very beginning ghs was just a transition build due fast growing. Not many decided to stay gh unless was about a strip bank. Then ee wars was released and ghs start to be very wanted. But again, not because gh its a badass build but because clans wanted to avoid hard matchup. During time gh collect nice pieces of equipment and started to be able to get trough big attack builds. But saying people was crying for being owned by gh its to much because ghs even with equipment don't own big attack builds. A big attack builds can get trough a gh anytime... the imbalance came from the fact that a gh got way much plunder than they pay. For month ghs was saying "if you don't like them, join them". Well apparently devs chosed to force ghs to join big accounts instead letting big accounts to be forced to downgrade. If was a right decision for devs only time will tell.
  3.  nailed it.
    @cid no ones forcing an attack build. Wanna see my build? Hit the scout button
  4. I like what Vlad said, way more intelligent than what others here have. I was a gh myself but decided to change it. It was good for a start and i think that if devs want to stop all the gh issues, they should also come with a way that can help new players get good stats in a short amount of time, otherwise, many will quit when new releases come out just because this is becoming a game that only biggies can enjoy.
  5. Why do guilds make more than SoS? That's stupid. If you honestly think that's fair, you're stupid, stupid stupid stupid.

    Tiers are placed for a reeeeeeason. Cause when you grow or get better gear, you should be rewarded in terms of earnings, not penalizedz
  6. I totally agree with op. Those crybabies that got there ass whooped by a gh, will still get there ass whooped and cry. Devs are stupid for listening to suck bantere. Leave GH's alone chumps
  7. Said by a ght :lol:
  8. I hope you liked that inc devilmatgrowl. More to come
  9. I have inc from so many people, like my banner says. Hit here ;) at least im not a little ***** build :)
  10. You get farmed cause your a chump. Lol.
  11. Says the gh that's too scared to come out of pin and is failing on my 0 pots :lol: iRain hits harder buddy ;)
  12. No fails from me chumpette. Would live some inc from your ass, I am up
  13. Where you at? I'm still up
  14. Lol op gh don't grow, they be as small as possible to avoid getting hit, which explains your butthurt for actually having to grow an work an not just be idle until needed like ur accustomed to...
  15. I'm a big attack build and I've never been 'owned' by a guild hansell 
  16. Im in an osw, spies go to someone important :)
  17. Ohhh you mean your full cause your in an osw. Lmao. Kid piss off