GH conversion

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by PlagueOfPestilence, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. BFE doesn't come into play when determining whether someone is dtw or dts. Try it. Drop to 400/200 150/150, drop your ally, and try to hit a 10k cs. They will be dts. Castles don't either, so don't worry about it if you have an upgraded castle.
  2. Funny. Everyone is mad at GHs for taking advantage put something put in the game.
  3. I am probably just going to slowly convert from gh hansel to a t5 vol hansel and have guilds on the ll and vols on the hl and when I get to the Hf idk what Imma do after that
  4. Devs have known of the unfair advantage of a gh for a long time and have done nothing. So don't hold your breath waiting for a fix.