GH conversion

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by PlagueOfPestilence, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. I agree. Get ready ghs
  2. Look at kaw_admin rocking out forums
  3. What ever happens some people are going to react as if it is a bigger disaster than the Hindenberg. OH THE KAWMANITY!!!!
  4. Just converted my mid sized hansel to gh... 
  5. This made me lulz.

  6. Is kaw_admin actually Taylor Swift? :shock:
  7. laughing at the deaths of of innocent people? you are a monster.
  8. laughing at the deaths of of innocent people? you are a monster.
  9. @kaw_admin: if you nerf the guild hansel; how is one to have a respectable bank without having to spend billions/trillions on a build.

    Every OSW clan will have to reconstruct banks, removing gold from the system. However we'll see less dropping of bank builds, therefore making them strip-able. 
  10. Hey kaw admin, if you nerf gh, have one of your accounts hire all my allies so I won't be gh anymore :lol:
  11. An now that I think about it, if a guild hansel gets nerfed we may see a loss in nobility purchases for the horn and seal.

    At the moment, with a little bit of coin, one could build a bank that carries a trillion in a matter of days...Hmmmmm.... we all know those 3x EBs are the perfect bank building tiers.
    I'm curious what banks will have to become(assuming it's not already holding a few trillion in allies and/or gold.
  12. Why not make a HF castle upgrade...need 15 buildings on HF to do so....this could add a significant static stat increase. I'm not a KAW mechanics wiz, but this might make gh too small to hit big builds and a gh would not be able to get the castle upgrade unless they put up 15 towers. Just an idea.
  13. Meanwhile can't even afford gh
  14. GHs are already too small to hit big builds. :roll:
  15. True bouts get spragga to just force reset kaw admin for being a meanie
  16. Dude if you already have SOS your guilds don't get max plunder either all gh or SOS. I'm in the middle of a SOS conversion
  17. At jac that's both true and false. I was in osw hitting 10 m cs accnts but only because my bfe and bfa allowed it. And 2 days ago I had 1.4 m cs
  18. Your BFE allowed it? I wasn't aware that it's a factor.
  19. Some GH can hit #1 on WR during ee bc of bfe
  20. :roll: I was being sarcastic. BFE doesn't play a role in dts/dtw. It's either towers or bfa that usually let the GH hit higher.