GH conversion

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by PlagueOfPestilence, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. I hope they don't change GH mechanics, I'm gonna **** a brick if they do.
  2. Kaw_admin says drunk on a Monday? Them they deny it. The mayor of Toronto on the other hand.... He likes to party. Kaw_admin do you like to party?
  3. Kaw_admins will nerf guild hansels as they wouldnt say these things for no reason. Secondly do you really think that a gh spends more then a hlfbc did? I agree with changing the system to promote growth and to fix wars. Pretty messed up that we have to limit the amount of people on our roster who have worked for years to make their build "a big" and instead recruit people who are small and cant be hit by most players with a good sized build. Support to kaw_admin
  4. I wish I knew KaW_Admin personally... We could be best of friends! BFFLWTEOHTHEOIAOBOAWAOOS!
    Best friends for life with the exception of having to hit each other if an osw breaks out and we are on opposite sides!

    Would you like to bond over cookies and tea while expressing our inner secret as a brony watching My Little Pony? Rainbow Lasers and EVERYTHING! Well? What do you say Kaw_Admin?
  5. Actually they are probably asleep eh.
  6. Guess I'll be sitting out Season 3, wishing I didnt just drop builds. Well played, devs. I know lots that have dropped and converted, and I know a few that will walk away before rebuilding again.
  8. Yes because gh are granny's giant underwear
  9. The GH problem is that they do not pay evenly versus an equal build level. So to me, the best fix would be to base plunder off build level rather than cs. All HLBC would have the same plunder potential (would still vary based on what buildings attacker has and their allies) so it would make it level playing field.
  10. I like this Kaw_Admin. Entertaining AND informative. 
  11. @kaw_admin are you going to give plunder to towers? i know accounts half my size that makes more per hit than me
  12. If they give plunders to towers I'm going to kill something recently torn them down :p
  13. Lost in translation here
  14. I converted build to GH for s2 now will have to grow back again. I don't mind merging gh as I drop my build for advantage in ee wars. Now just a slow long growth once again. :lol: :lol:
  15. Nerfing**^ :( double fail ;(
  16. I nerfed my gh build already - am I changing back? Hmmm waiting fur announcement right before war I bet 
  17. People actually dropped build to war?
  18. GH and variations of that just add more ways you can play the game/war without GH there wouldn't be much variety, for the most part the clan with the largest builds win. I mean so many people dropped their builds to become GH, if your upset about how OP their plunder is... Well then it's your fault for not becoming GH. In the end we're all trying to reach the same objective, HFBC right? So what if people decide to reach it in different ways? It's a preference. GH is small and can be easily farmed but make great plunder. There's ups and downs about it, just like there is for larger builds who decide to convert slowly. They may not make as much money on a haunt as a GH would but they can hit ACC np. I know I can't  they can also farm larger players unlike most GH that don't have trillions spent on allies with insane BFA. It's all kind of relative Large builds promote growth in stats while GH grow with BFA
  19. kaw_admin is planning something big, guys...

    Batten down the hatches...

    There's a storm coming through.