GH conversion

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by PlagueOfPestilence, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. Interesting idea sabotage.
  2. See if ebs start attacking and spying having the smaller build guild hansel hitting big ebs they would generally lose more increasing the need for stats
  3. Awww come on kaw_admin you answered everyone elses questions! Even a simple “im not to sure yet“ would be nice
  4. What he saud
  5. Kaw admin is always giving us let downs hmm?
  6. I think you need to slash the cost of either Volaries or ALL HL buildings. Would only be fair.
  7. When KaW admin said to read post backwards, and to not change guilds to SOS, he means it plunder wise. Guilds make a lot more than SOS
  8. @Kaw_Admin^^
  9. Lol phart. Do you want this because Val is having gh convert?
  10. I knew it t5 on ll that's it!!!
  11. Ooh, kill 'em Kaw_Admin! lol
  12. (•_•)
    <) )╯ooh
    / \

    ( (> kil
    / \

    <) )> em Kaw_Admin
    / \"
  13. I hope they don't change GH too much I dropped my old build and allies to save up bars for one big convert
  14. @KaW_Admin increase the pay for sos :( it blows ...."pickles" :shock:
  15.  I like that idea ^^^
  16. Please increase it
  17. Although it's pretty much GH with bigger stats.... Doesn't solve the issue
  18. Increase SOS same amount you decrease guild
  19. Hallelujah