Gf used my iphone as a coaster, cant retrieve UDID

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Enjoy_NRG, Dec 17, 2011.

  1. Moose - what if I thought it looked like a life-size Satie of Morgan Freeman?
  2. PRO TIP:
    If you need to put your soda can down and there are no coasters available, use a cd. It's totally not bad for the cd, and your drink will stay cold.
  3. If you look at the iPhone from the back instead of the front, then it vaguely looks like a coaster..:)
  4. Coasters are round in general. An iPhone/Pod looks like a rectangle. Major facepalm for your gf.
  5. Or you could pimp slap her into another relationship
  6. There are coasters that are rectangular as well as square... Shape's not the factor
  7. Guys... You're missing the point... If you've got a girlfriend that thinks the iPhone is a coaster, it's a good thing... Means she's not too smart and means you can pretty much do whatever you like....
  8. I emailed support, no response yet. No biggie, going to the buccaneers game tonight. :D But I made her pay for my new phone and I'll probably force feed her spare change in the middle of the night. Im not much a facepalm type-of-guy, so I'll stick to the random pranks that my mind comes up with ( or whatever you all come up with :p)
  9. I didn't know they made coasters with Apple logos on them...
  10. Maybe they will now, $60 each 
  11. If they did it would cost 50 bucks and have head phones.
  12. Good idea! Make her buy you stuff, then dump her ass and claim "No givesies backsies!"
  13. Lol. U didnt know? Coasters are the next big thing. Apple trying new things.
  14. LOL

    You really made her buy you a new iPhone?
  15. They should hire the Flobots singer to make it survive aquatic conditions. :p
  16. Tbh I had to go online to see what a coaster was...
  17. Your udid is on the sim card holder. Pull it out for that info. This is assuming 3GS or newer. I'm not sure about 3G as I've never had my girlfriend break one.

    Also, there's a thing called the Internet. It's a faster place to get these questions answered and involves less trolling.

    .... And you're a dope.
  18. Water proof, coaster sized iPod shuffles.
  19. Now thats a keeper