getting less mithrill compare with others

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llllIIIIIStalk3rlllIIIII, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. I've sat on other gh's and mith pay sucked. I hit leader boards all war and I get 150-200 mith
  2. Other gh aren't using pots either so less percentage for u .... On both ur pots used and them not using pots

    Hitting up means they are almost always using pots

    Look at pay out from wars against new age ever wonder why those guys mith pay out suck so bad .. That's the reason no pots being used .. No mith being cast from new age side ... Less total pool to draw from over all
  3. I agree with that, but my attack build gets crap pay. Idk exactly Why, but 50-70 mith there compared to 100+ on one hour wars is unfair to attack builds. I've never been a Hansel,I'm sure the devs wanted mith equipment complete to take years though and not one season. They get more pay then
  4. How much does mith cost on ur Att build ? And do u scout a lot ? Both things effect ur payout
  5. 3 billion. Here 750k I can only scout with my attack build with scouts.
  6. How many times you defend against attacks is a big factor in mith payout. I have also been #1 in plunder and KO.
  7. Let's put it this way

    All things being equal both builds do same damage and cost same amount of pots

    Att build mith costs 1 bill
    Gh mith costs 200 mill

    That means the gh will get 5x the mith pay out the Att build does

    The fact ur Att build got 50 or 1/2 as much means it did more damage and earned a larger slice of the pie .. His reward just costs more
  8. I wish if your clan won, all would get 100 mith per one hour war and 200 mith on 2 hour wars
  9. Kaw admin, pls reply on this post .... I want a clear answer from u guys , I have made more than 50 succes action, cast 14 Mith and only reward back 15 mith, it men's my rewards is only 1 mith!!!! It happen in my last chaos war .... Pls check it and let all of us know how u guys manage the system