getting less mithrill compare with others

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llllIIIIIStalk3rlllIIIII, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. Only used 4 basic spells
  2. hey its getting even better had a mith enchant just fail. thought that was impossible
  3. Most hansels need all attack equipment +10 and you need to attack only big attack builds for good mith, spies only need to hit top 5 in clan. Best to assassinate,but a good scout on a LB player pays good mith
  4. Maxransom .. There are 4 pieces of equip that fail. Red pally helm, skelly bone ring, boots(?) and greaves(?). Im not sure the last two.
  5. Only hit people your size or smaller during initial targets and not to lose. If landslide in your favor, focus on the largest build you can win on for best pay
  6. Worst advice ever :lol: hit guys much bigger than you like attk big HANSELS and assass huge attk builds. The mith system likes to see u hit guys bigger than you are
  7. But yeah hit with full pots too it makes a dif
  8. Read up Mike. I posted before that. You missed the point. I said only hit your size or smaller to win war. If you lose war, then you get squat
  9. It has to do with pots used and cost Generating a pool of plunder equal to that in which ur mith costs u get a percentage of that pool generated by ur clan equal to the percentage of actions (pots used and cost u did) gh get more mith because mith for them is cheaper

    Say I use 1 bill in pots and cost enemy 1 bill in pot ... For the war a total of 100 bill in pots were used offensive and def I would get 2% of total value of mith payout

    If that value is 2 bill I would then earn 2 bill worth of mith for my build size

    Bigger u are less mith profit earned smaller u are more mith earned because it costs less for u to purchase

    As far as op issue he either cast too early or too late and was not refunded his original cast

    Full build hansels may get less return if not using Att def pots because their lack of usage of pots in def lessens their percentage of the pot
  10. My bad I misread. Your post is confusing for an idiot like me
  11. Its the hansel we get the shaft on mith payout :(
  12. But the use of attack defense pots creates more plunder for opponent hitting you. Zero defense attack pots equals less payout of plunder. May make a difference in war
  13. No Mike, I'm new to forums and I do make my posts a little hard to read I'm sure.
  14. Didn't say anything about war strategy ... Was talking about mith payout
  15. Mith payout and strategy are hard to keep separate.
  16. Hansels can generate and equalize their portion of the plunder pool by doing assassinates as it uses both sets of pots

    Were an Att build loses part by doing scouts because the defender uses no pots

    Over all hansels and Att builds get close to same mith profit from that side of equation
  17. A build that can do both ass and Att and us smaller so mith is cheapest with get the maximum mith pay out ...

    But a small hybrid build sucks in war and is almost always a leak
  18. I'm gh, I use no attack pots so I pay crappier then most. I still get lots of mith cause of gh mechs, which soon maybe completely different soon
  19. U get loads of mith because mith is cheaper for ur build so even tho ur share of the over all pool may be 0.5% its still more mith for u

    Ur mith costs wat ? 200 mill a bar
    Min costs over 1.3 bill a bar

    Understand ?