Get Rid of EB Cheat Threads

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Actions speak louder than words.
  2. @ na.

    Lighten up. So I pinned and farmed a few players on this thread. Your acting like I cut off their family jewels with a butter knife and fed them to the penguins. 
  3. Is it just me, or was it funny as hell when he compared a kaw player to an athlete? :lol:

    Frog, fact is most kaw players ARE simpletons. They just won't understand the EB without the guide. You're in an elite clan, the circumstances are a lot different. I see where you are coming from, but there are a lot more noobs that need help then players that are eager to figure it out. You need to evaluate the situation from a different perspective than your own.

    While releasing a guide in the same hour might be a little much.. so is waiting a month to post one. So maybe a week? Either way, I hate to jump on the bandwagon, but if it was truly about the fun of solving the EB just don't read it.
  4. the circ*mstances**

    ... is that seriously filtered?
  5. It is, sadly.
    Mainly because of the three letter word after cir.
  6. Thought you were supposed to be in this osw and your crying about ppl ruining your eb's and hitting ppl on this thread. No wonder im not getting any inc
  7. dont like it dont look for it. Nothing else to it :)
  8. Third page, second the last post by Frog.
    Post one on page 4.

    Then he responds: my old account had over 100,000 losses.
    It's called an OSF, you uneducated boob.