Get Rid of EB Cheat Threads

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. This was gone. You bumped it back to active topics. You shouldnt have done that.
  2. Seems to work on you. lol
  3. Ya it does clutter up the stickied ones. .
  4. Oh I dont want it gone yet. I want the petty loser to read it and try to farm me first.

    I feel he needs some classes on how to go back to being a winner and stop this loser downward spiral first.

    So let's bump it up till he reads it and blows up like a blimp

    Plus, I dislike bullies who only know how to type on a keyboard and not much else.
  5. @nuclear

    I think the op is just trolling his own thread. So what if he farmed a few ppl. It is a war game.


    I generally support, but I also think this is a losing battle. Human nature dictates that we blab about gloat about anything we know better than the rest of the community.
  6. Support

    Frog, I wanna be just like you when I grow up
  7. ^ I don't want to see how that ends up :eek:
  8. @philo

    Thanks for that thoughtful reply.

    Philo atk 4/4/13 p. ( you got pinned too quick philo)
  9. Frog, are you mentally insane?
  10. Bromeo, good luck with that. Cheers, mate.
  11. Frog - stop being an idiot.

    You no doubt learnt kaw by people telling you stuff as did most of us. Who cares about how to do an eb being available to all or not?

    Eb are for getting gold so it really doesn't matter - they are not meant to be fun - just a way of gathering gold.

    I knew your previous account owner well - shame she's not still owning the account.
  12. @bacon

    Dunno maybe. I think something snapped the third time I got stripped

    Bacon dtw
  13. @snr

    Yeah, she flipped out when her boyfriend dumped her, sold her old iPod and pad to me, and left the country. Lol quite an implusive little chick.
  14. @bacon

    kudos to you for tryin mate! respect. 
  15. If you don't like em don't read em.... Simple
  16. Btw guys, I thought this thread died, but some brave soul bumped it. Gimme a break