Get Rid of all the Guides: Thinking for ourselves the Swabia

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by The_Philosopher, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Yup. Cause you made complete sense when you responded to me. You failed to recognize the point.
  2. Swabia and an alt sitting in a tree k i s s i n g.
  3. And who is Swabias alt, little forum posting zaftling
  4. Oh my god you idiot are you serious...
  5. @iBurn

    Don't worry about it. Most noobs can't be expected to take the time and effort to read something before commenting. Lol
  6. @shadow. Sorry unless you explain better your comment makes no sense to me.
  7. Guides are there for a reason.. You only look then up if you want to see them. Jeez I'd thought it was common knowledge..
  8. Philo, I'm not worried, these points have already been covered by your guide writing peers
  9. Okay really op? Are you the idiot? If you have a problem with the forum guides, don't read them! And there are many ways to make a thread like this without showing your obsession towards Swabia and your hatred towards the other guide makers, every comment about Swabia or moose or wolf, etc, was unnecessary. This guide is not necessary. I don't think I'm the smartest player around and I don't go around making threads but being able to send someone to a thread to read so that they can learn actually helps a lot when making a new clan. You probably haven't experienced the difficulties of teaching new players so you probably don't truly appreciate all those threads, but I do! So keep your opinions to yourself, because that's all they are. Come back with some facts. Sorry for being harsh
  10. Even an anti guide is still a guide ; )
  11. ...The people in the top 200 should not be writing guides as they buy their way to the top.