Get Rid of all the Guides: Thinking for ourselves the Swabia

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by The_Philosopher, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Who really gives a ****. If you don't want to read them then don't. They are there to help. You are not forced to go to forums and look.
  2. Philo, good job. As for top 200 LB - that's not indicative of how good a player you are anymore. In the infancy of KaW the leaderboard actually meant something, now it's only indicative of how much real cash one spends on the game.
  3. That was an accident lol

    Anyway I was trying to say Player Guides have been an integral part of gaming for a long time. It's just that these guides are written by players and don't cost any money.
  4. One of the dumbest threads I've read in my time on kaw.
  5. @joberhl

    Thanks for your noobness. Problem is that if you don't follow some guides you put your LAN at a disadvantage compared to some clans that wimp out and use them. This is especially true for Wulf's guide. Even though it in Essenes ruins EBs, it is just so much easier to finish them with it than without it that everyone ends up using it.
    When the Rubic cube came out there was no point-by-point guide telling how to solve it, because if it became that easy it would not be fun anymore. Wulf guide is the same.
  6. @rough

    The thread got a lot dumber after you posted your comment without any reasons to justify your position.
  7. Reason is, because someone has played, or in your terms got there arse handed to them, it doesn't make them more knowledgable. It doesn't take a retard to get punched in the face to know it hurts does it? Guides are a great way to share knowledge and trade opinions. Sorry you don't feel that way. If someone wanted to, they could read all of the guides made on kaw and be more knowledgable than you. Your argument is retarded.
  8. @The_Philosopher the destruction of a collection of knowledge or, a library, all in the name of swabia. It sounds like you want to have a book burning, like at the library of Alexandria or the university of Louvain.

    Should we kill the scholars as well, in this case that would be the people that made the guides. I know someone who is good at hacking I could talk to him and trade him my jimmy johns gift card that he is always asking to buy from me, for information on them. Once we know where they live the best course of action would be to release a wild animal into their house, such as a moose, a pack of wolves, or killer whale. That way when investigated the chief of police will say something like 'nature will be nature' laugh then probably throw the case out.
  9. Penguins fly underwater.

    Your argument is invalid.
  10. Well… Philosopher's point is somewhat true. EB guides take away the thrill of discovering the strategy yourself, BUT,

    There's no way guides will stop being created. That's just how it is… sure, it takes the fun out of it, but some people want the knowledge.
  11. Reminds me of the Grinch... Trying to destroy something that can't be destroyed. Whether or not you like it, players will always be teaching each other game strategies.
  12. Elimination of guides would mean creation if spam as the 1000th player would make a forum thread asking what items are needed for FOD.
  13. I found belles's guide on build mechanics extremely helpful. I've never understood game mechanics properly; just hit, x-tal, hit and be super active. Belle's guide helped me understand about builds with and without gold out etc etc. without her guide I would still have been lost.
  14. Guides are great..I assumed at some point most of us refer to wulf guides just to remind us how the bs are completed.

    This is true to most warrior out there who loves the pvp part of the game and just use EBs as necessary devil to strengthen builds or pot up for the next war. We tend to forget how it is done correctly so we refer to the guides to remind us. Guides are not just for new players, it is for old players as well.

    It is those EB clans that has probably memorized every steps in completing ebs. But ask those war clans who just came from a 2-4 months osw and you will find that most of them may have forgotten doing FOD/TT/ or COR, is it not?

    I'm pretty sure even swabia will need the EB guides just to complete it as fast as his clan can in order to prep for the next fight they will engage into.
  15. Interesting OP.
    Although I see you points, I'd be willing to bet that you happily used a few of the guides out there to help gain more of you KaW knowledge.

    Most likely Wulf's, Belle's and Havoc's.

    I felt kinda dirty while reading this Op. :shock:

    Like I was interrupting a private moment between Op and Swabia. :?