Get Rid of all the Guides: Thinking for ourselves the Swabia

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by The_Philosopher, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. Lol. I added a very shortened version at the bottom.

    Get all lands as a guild hansel, convert HL to lvl 1 T5 1 by 1, convert LL to SOS in one go. Then just go back to HL upgrading the volarys till BC.
  2. Noone pissed off serious war clans like wanderer did. -Alison- and cheez had no staying power.
  3. Despite reading the entire thread, I'm still not sure if mine falls into the category :lol:
  4. Label it however you want, but If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck

    Besides if you really want the devs to do something then posting it in forums is pointless. People post in forums usually for the attention factor, sometimes to get help, and sometimes for the lol factor.
  5. So basically op doesn't want anybody to help new players? If you help them they are more likely to keep playing and the guides are a huge part of that.
  6. Yes but bloo, your point about ducks is irrelavent, as this thread doesn't look like a guide, or serve the purpose of a guide.
  7. Learning how to play is the fun part! Learning ad telling your friends is fun, but not reading a guide and knowing everything!
  8. And if it doesn't look like a guide, serve the purpose of a guide, or include information that may be perceived as a guide; then it's not a ******* guide.
  9. @Toast Your guides were great! I read them the day I started and they've helped a lot!
  10. Here are a few preliminary thoughts about making guides in forum.

    Anyone can make guides. The creation of guides should not be limited to the elite few. Forum is a social place and many people enjoy sharing information.

    As for my guide, I wrote it because doing so entertained me, and that is ultimately why I am here. I hang out in forum because it amuses me. If you are amused and entertained bymy guides, threads, and other posts, that's great for you, but your enjoyment of my forumming is not required .

    Did my guide have any new information? To people who have been around for a while, the answer is "no" but to newbs, the answer would be "yes" so it really is a perspective issue.

    Am I the most qualified and competent warrior in KaW? No. Not even close . I can give you a nice list of people who have bested me in battle. Do I care? Not really. So long as I am sufficiently entertained, then my goals have been accomplished.

    So, if I, or wulf, or "joe blow new guy" decides to write a guide, I have no issue with it. People are free to post guides, and forum is free to comment on those guides as they see fit. That's how it works here 

    As for me specifically, I will admit to you and everyone else who asks........ "I am nothing special. I'm just your average moose"

    Anyhow, hope that clears things up a bit. Keep the fun discussion going, and as always,
    Happy KaWing
  11. Brilliant. You been here since beginning of 2010. You must know a lot. Ive been here since game first started. I must mot know anything. Wow logic right there.
  12. I didn't know I had multiple guides, but thanks lol
  13. Um excuse me what abt Mickey for pissing off clans? Also deleting guides at this point is useless many people (self included) have ss'ed the guides for faster access so it would leave those ppl and the op at huge advantage... Not that I mind that :) but still.... On side note though nice work and effort on thread
  14. Stupid waste of thread. Ill go ahead and include this into the"who gives a ****" category, along with all the noob 1v1 declarations and anything strider or lynx post. Just because something is well written doesnt make it good.
  15. And agreed with Alpha, mickey had an unparalled knack for trouble.
  16. I disagree with you. Guides are there not to say that the OP knows more than you and so you should listen, but rather that they know something, and wish to share it so others can benefit. No one requires you to read their threads, its all optional.

    Its meant to help people get more enjoyment out of the game.
  17. Agree! Imparting experiences and Information does not necessarily mean the OP has a superiority complex, nor should they be required to be the smartest person on KaW to participate in I formation sharing 
  18. The title is "Get Rid of all the Guides". I like that idea. Get rid of them all.