Gay Discrimination?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by The-Raj, Mar 2, 2015.

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  1. According to uk law sexual orientation is a protected class therefore the discrimination is illegal.
  2. I personally don't think the company was in the wrong. It's their business, they can decide what the put on the cake.

    I am very pro gun. If someone came to me asking to put a gun control slogan on a cake I would refuse.

    I'm sick of all the bull **** that is going on these days. If someone doesn't support gay rights, and you do. SPEND YOUR MONEY SOMEWHERE ELSE. It's pretty simple. Idiots are just trying to make a lawsuit out of nothing.

    This is less about gay rights and more about a company who isn't going to compromise their morals to make a quick buck. Those are the people we need in the world. Those who stand by what they think is right. Not butt ******* idiots who have to make a lawsuit out of every little stupid thing.

    Now I await someone to call me a homophob. Even though I am not. I don't support gay rights, but I do support bipartisanship. Therefore it's hypocritical for me to want to own a gun as long I don't hurt anyone. But at the same time oppose gay marriage, when they aren't hurting anyone.

    In this case, they are hurting someone though. They are taking money from a hard worker. Someone who spent years building a business will now be labeled anti-gay by the media. Not to mention the actual legal fees.

    It's all bull ****, but that's my opinion.
  3. Re: An Interesting News Story

    because laws and reason.
  4. as for the article, i don't know where i come down on this. i'm not a fan of people being refused service based on their orientation, but i am not a fan of forcing someone to say something that they don't believe in, either.

    i'm on the fence.
  5. Well said AJ.

    I think is what some people have issues with that may be legit, is the popularization of homosexuality culture. With a false representation using disproportionate exposer in the media and entertainment. I feels like a social conditioning project. As if that is needed.

    A lot of us were already raised to defend the weaker of society. There is no threat in America of gay people being rounded up by Christians.

    The Church offers a sense of community that can't be obained any other way. The charitable works are blessing on society. As we advance as people, so does the interpretation of religious works. As we are better adapt take in the essence of the work.
  6. I find it odd that the bakery is discriminatory to gays for standing up for what they believe to be true. Yet those suing are not found discriminatory to the bakery. Regardless of religion or life partner preference, each person has the right be and stand up for what they believe. This is the pot calling the kettle black. I mean if I like blue or yellow or orange, can I sue the person that doesn't like it or choose not to accept it. No, we all have choices. If you have the right to be who you are then I should have the right to be who I am. I may not accept it but one cannot force theirs opinions on another. They didn't bash, slander or beat them. They just refused because of their beliefs. It's like you need to turn away from god cause I said so. Life is hard, we all have choices. I want a super model girlfriend, can I sue Victoria's Secret cause none of them will go out with me...
  7. Church offers a sense of community that can be found else where*
  8. Arc of you jump off a bridge with weights and don't survive how are you typing this.
    If you wanted to say why do other people do it. Then next time say what you mean.
    Yes life is cruel. Gotta love more example of gods grace there.
    But people can survive and live decent honest lives without faith.
    Simple respect and decency. Trying to do the right thing goes a long way.
    With 7 billion people on the planet not everyone is going to meet mr/mrs right and some will get desperate and take their lives.
    Some people have grown up in a world of people that shun them and of people that would kill them for race colour gender sexual orientation and beliefs.
    It's all ridiculous.
    As for the shop owner I suppose I should mention that. Legally discrimination in the uk is not allowed. However an owner of a business had the right to refuse without reason serving a person. So the whole situation as pup rightly said is bs.
    Though on the plus side at least they didn't make the cake and charge triple for the privilege
  9. Where would that be sir. In political circles that discriminate over idealogy.
  10. Re: An Interesting News Story

    So glad you're back! 
  11. Never said I just did
    Only said I really doesn't matter all that much to me. So if survival REALLY means something to all humans then there is something wrong with me but I think I'm fine. Some people do not fear death. They take it as sweet relief
  12. Checked with the others, and I am locking this before it flares up into discriminatory, backwater haterade.

    People of all sexual orientation play KaW. Respect that before posting.

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