Support to any updates to make the game more enjoyable. Especially those that are not a new "hunt" idea, and doesnt effect game mech or game play. Great suggestions op, although we all know how the last clan updates went.........still waiting for those.
Really like the personal bio page. The clan invites would be fantastic during osw or for the EE wars. This would keep the drama down and make it less likely for a mole to slip into clan. The clan wall is a good idea too. Even though some clever folks have figured out how to make their own fairly secret ones, an official clan wall could be useful. Nice thread too btw
I like gaw ... And sad about it .... Full support for these changes - all make sense Btw crew could be useful for osw coordination .... As I remember you see in crew room when is someone attacked and you see by whom......
Haha I left kaw for GAW because the features was better and a lot smoother. I just wish they didn't bail out on it. They tried to repeat what they have done in kaw. Which shows no creativity. I don't mind if thy added some of the stuff from GAW to here!!! Just remember the best GAW family is: The mob family!!! SUPPORT!!!
Full Support but I could careless about weekly leaderboards. Everything is what I miss about GaW. It would only make KaW better. Those who just like to complain will surely disagree but it will be ok, don't be afraid of change The Mob - GaW Undefeated
I miss gaw, the devs shouldve kept it so we can continue to do what we were doing. Tank was my home, and SOH's OSW was what kept me playing.
Just checked back here. Thanks for the support. I'll make sure to add in that crew chat would be in addition to ally chat and not a replacement of such.
I like the ideas but I just think it's remaking what KaW already has like #1 don't see a difference. #2 the clan wall is basically clan chat. #3 the larger bio. I don't see this necessary most people don't have a big huge long bio on there KaW life ( at least I don't think they would ) #4 the invites I like this idea but I think people would just sit and invite every person they can and the non-clan people in WC would get swarmed with invites and it could be quiet annoying (like in clash of clans that happens all the time)#5 the crew chat is basically a timed PM and I see it as a waste #6 weekly LB in the beginning it might seem cool but in the long run it will be the same thing as the LB we have right now with the same people. Again this is how I see these others have different opinions and happy KaWing ️