Updated with suggestions 5 and 6. I was hesitant to add these to the thread since they are not minor tweaks, but larger changes, and could be seen as making KaW too much like GaW. However, I received many messages mentioning 5 and 6 as possible updates, so I added them. Thanks for all the support. Tell me what you think!
I also think that in addition to these Great ideas, maybe we could get the one hour regen from kaw, changed to a 30 minute regen like in GaW! It would help players be active more throughout the day and check in to unload more often. Also, it will help plunder for eb's and help make it a little easier to complete Ebs as well, so that there is not as large of a need for mercs.
My only question is kaw is kingdoms at war kingdoms meaning back in the day of knights and dragons so your new out look would be defeating the purpose oh by the way clan wall is known as clan page just can't post unless your and admin
Khalifa, I am against that update. 1 hour regen is a thing that makes KaW different. 30 minute regen would be an update that changes the gameplay of KaW which is not what I'm going for in this thread. These updates are more for UI and additional non-gameplay related updates.
@Tha-Don I am confused by your post. How are my ideas defeating the purpose of KaW? Chat stacking and clan invites should not change the theme from knights and dragons.
I love all of these ideas and am pretty surprised they aren't already implemented in kaw already but if I have to choose which ideas I like the best it would have to be this order 3 2 5 6 1
Chat stacking would be used by people to create larger ads for wc. I like all these ideas, but I would also like to keep ally chat. A weekly LB would be great to compete with 1 person and meet new people. Would amplify the social aspect. On SMASH when it first came out I would compete with 2 guys for cities and smash medals. It's a good system to make friends. You meet people with similar activity in the game.
Chat stacking was never an issue for ads in GaW because of the large line break between the two posts. Though, it's hard enough to get two posts in before someone else in world chat as it is so there should be a minimal chance of a world chat stack anyway. Thanks for the feedback, though. I will definitely keep that in mind.
How about this Why change or implement something that really has no useful ness it would take away r and d for things that have more importance to the community as a whole like these ee wars
Support to all by crew chat. We have ally chat instead and crew chat would just be full of ads. Nice idea though and other than that I would love to see these in kaw!!!!!
And @Don about the "clan page" you are referencing: That is not the same as what is suggested here. The clan page is an area for admins/owners to post info about the clan for the outside world to see. The clan wall is a place for ANYONE, inside or outside of the clan, to post on. It is much like a player wall. It allows a place for art, suggestions, rants, and much more. Just a simple suggestion but I wanted to clarify the difference.
@Don: these are great ideas. Don't be so negative. These obviously aren't big updates, but may improve the game experience for many players, even if only slightly.