Gateway to the Abyss

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. Why bring out more land as the gap between the lb players and the rest of us is massive already I think you will end up loseing alot of players and I probably will be 1 of them as it takes the piss

  2. Lol
  3. There are a lot of MMORPGs that are much much older then KAW. Nearly every one of them has had the same issues with keeping the game viable to new players. There are still 2D graphics MMOs from the mid 90's that are still healthy and actually growing to this day, ie;

    -MERIDIAN 59 (released 12/95)
    -TIBIA (released 1/97 and this was literally released months before 3D graphic MMOs hit the scene but still going strong ...tens of thousands of ppl still logon daily)
    -ULTIMA one of the 1st 3D graphic MMO

    There are many many others and the ones I mentioned aren't even the oldest ones out there. If other game developers were savvy enough to "ADAPT AND EVOLVE" to keep their games/communities alive I'm relatively sure ATA can do the same (seems like that's what they're doing now) excuse me I have some new accts to make Happy KAWing! 
  4. Will HF be cut?
  5. An for what santa said bout allies devs need to drop inactives accounts so allie prices will drop who wants a 400 bill allie that is inactive ...NOBODY..but there are tons out there jus saying again
  6. if ata would quit sucking ppl dry and focus on issues ppl would not be quiting.its not the game its the company running the game.i cannot even count how many issues i have emailed devs about and no responce at all now look event upon event upon event that all devs are focusing on is cash and ppl are tired of it ata is not listening to there customers
  7. Don't get too over excited guys this is only for sealers. The rest of us won't get anything from this event. New lands will be for sealers only. The rest of us won't get anything. All this crap is for sealers only the rest of us don't matter to devs.
  8. An I think new lands are coming out cause lb players cant grow anymore an got trillions saved up so as soon as lands come out the gap gets bigger lb players spend alot of $$$$$ on game an devs want that to continue so new lands here we come ....will hf an hl drop on prices like when hf came out hl prices dropped ??????
  9. Don't get too over excited guys this is only for sealers. The rest of us won't get anything from this event. New lands will be for sealers only. The rest of us won't get anything. All this crap is for sealers only the rest of us don't matter to devs.
  10. Crap... new lands. -_-
  11. So basically if we have no money for seals your screwing all of us out of new lands. that's really low devs. Why do you guys hate your players? You know what screw this event and screw you sealers. Kiss my Italian butt devs.
  12. Please add building tokens  expecially with new lands coming
  13. How long until hf are half price

  14. Im waiting til then :lol:
  15. can we have plunder wars back lol
  16. Where will these new lands be located? There is a tab to go to highlands/hoarfrost. So, with these new lands. Where will the tabe be to go to the new set of lands? Is it going to be one of the other corners or is it going to be a tab inside the highlands or hoarfrost. Basically my question is how are these new lands going to work and where will i access them within my kingdom.
  17. I don't get the gap argument so many people make. So what if the bigs get bigger? Do people really start a game and see how low they are on the totem pole and say **** it I quit?

    Do you get hired at a company as a clerk and say **** it I'll never be the CEO I quit? Does anyone else like the challenge of trying to get to the top?

    I haven't spent a dime on this account and I've done alright. Will I ever top the lb? Nope, but it is still fun to try.

    Seriously all you whiners that hate the game so much just ******* quit and be gone.
  18. Lets strip him every one
  19. Why ? He makes sense. Ppl need to stop crying
  20. Yes please buy my allies...I have new lands to buy :p