Gateway to the Abyss

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. A lot of effort for everyone who did it.
    Grats on HFBC
  2. So glad I waited to do my last two hf lands lol
  3. Next open land. Though it can be on any map. So for those who just spent 1t on that last HF land ata says ... Sorry bout your luck. 
  5. When devs do promos which give u gold like sacks etc dont think they are being generous they always screw you with new land update, cutting prices off buildings etc. Dont be surprised if hf are half price as well which makes their promos really nothing if i spent that gold already
  6. Well i've been BC 4x now n idc about ppl smaller n newer than me getting a leg up due to adjustments. No skin off my butt. I'd be selfish if i thought KaW evolving was only all about me n the effects changes had on my kingdom. Ppl taking pot shots at the devs all the time rarely say anything good if at all. I play for fun n what enjoyment this game affords me. Never do i believe every change or event pleases everyone. Thats simply unrealistic.

  7. Hellloooo ata we are not going away answer the questions
  8. Get used to disappointment.
  9. Are they ever going to be posting a leaderboard?
  10. LB Update for obnoxious post repeats:

    Ryder Im Guilty in the lead.
    Soon to be winner of the coveted..drum roll

    Deja Vu Award
  11. Atleast i am trying to make a change by voicing how i feel could it be cause i care about the outcome of this game
  12. That said... Have you been living under a rock? How did you not see where all these stupid back to back promos we're going?

    The way I see it there are 4 types of people.

    Veterans understand how the devs work. They are smart enough to see what's up and don't get hosed by updates like this. Or smart enough to have sold their accounts back when they were worth something.

    Someone who has been around long enough to know better but still is somehow surprised that the devs are doing the exact same thing as the past several times and cry that it's not fair.

    THE PLAYER. A person who is new enough that they don't know the history or patterns to updated. They don't understand why their leaders are pissed and/or quitting. They are wondering why all these updates are for the rich $ spenders and not for them and what other apps are out there.

    THE NEWB .
    The all but extinct class of players who can't find allies. Cant get into good clans. Get yelled at and farmed for trying EE. Take one look at the total cost buy HF build complete and realize it is more a new Porsche (no joke - do the math) and then go find another app to download.
  13. @kawcommunity will there be another castle upgrade because of new lands
  14. Guys stop bitching, u pay money u advance if u don't well stop moaning u get nothing for free, the devs actually reward u guys and alot don't spend a cent. The fact is lb accounts are worse off then most as they do all the hard work while the rest get half price builds and free lands. It is just a simple case of not everyone can be kept happy. Most games get no where as much attention then kaw gets of the devs. This costs which is why we have these events. Please think how u would run ur own business before u judge someone else's. Not kissing ass it's just how it is
  15. lol
  16. do u have a position between noob and player :)
  17. I do feel the devs give alot of good stuff out for free but..

    It used to be that a paying customer could grow faster than a non paying but they still had to put the time into playing to really catch up to the next range up players.

    Now its not just growing faster, they are blowing the ******* doors off the other accounts started at the same time and motoring right on passed actively played accounts years older than them.

    Some of these events are just way out of proportion with what a free and moderate
    spender can make a day vs a 'moneys no issue" player.

    We have seen some spenders making more gold in a few hte's than what a free account player makes in their first year of playing.

    seriously, i get and support the advantage givin to paying customers, but jesus ******* christ! Thats not an advantage. I dont think there is even a word that describes what that is.

    Anyone here make it on and pass up a leader board account after the price cuts? Anyone?

    I get what you're saying but those price cuts, most players get a few buildings and are then back to an upgrade routine that is just not comparable.
  18. Does anyone have more than 800 wisp yet?
  19. I hope they throw a curve ball and make this event like the shard event at the last minute.  notice no lb?  they'll lazily release that tomorrow as soon as they nurse their hangovers. Devs are the guys from workaholics in my mind mostly.