Gas prices in America

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Erick, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. Don't know about you but the average American doesn't make 50k a year. More or less around the 20-35k
  2. You're just making up staticics. Even if you use median individual income it's $51,000 per year. Meaning half the county makes over 51k and half the country makes under 51k annually. You can look this stuff up online. Just Google "per capita GDP by country" and look at the list.
  3. And your making up words lol "staticics"
  4. At least op used once a period and once a question mark!
    Definitely, the quality of forums is improving...

    Re: gasoline prices.. Enjoy your 50c a liter petrol, in Canada it is still above $1.00 a liter aka $4+ per gallon

  5. Never heard of a state that charges that much. The highest i have seen was $4.08 per gallon. I hate to think, but you're overexaggerating, which does not look so good.
  6. Avg where I live is 41k a year, and which is bull, for the avg job I can find is 20k a year jobs
  7. The price I gas where I live is 3 US dollars but if you drive ten minutes south (literally 10 minutes). The gas drop to 2.05 US dollars
  8. That cheap^. Where I am it's 2.35 and dropping still
  9. Fracking
  10. Fracking and shale oil are the reason the US may go from being a net importer of crude to a net exporter. The US also has the cheapest, most reliable power (electricity) in the world due to the depressed cost of natural gas there.

    OPEC is going to try to break the US oil industry like they did in the 1980s. Keep the prices low, bankrupt those with limited resources, and then raise the prices (and their profits) with far less competition.

    The problem for OPEC is that the Saudis can do that, but other members (like Venezuela) can't. They will go belly up. So OPEC may end up breaking themselves. And potentially breaking Russia, whose economy is based on commodities like oil.

    Will be interesting to see what happens.
  11. I use way more gas in winter. When you have to warm up your car for at least 2 minutes to get your engine to operating temperature and use extra gas for heating, the costs add up. Especially if you're going for a 4-5 minute drive each day.

    About the gas price drop: At first I thought the drop in price was due to the USA's increase in production. The increase in production pretty much stopped the developed of the XL pipeline to the USA which lead to the drop in price due to overproduction and lack of demand.
  12. By the way, for those that are vehemently against fracking, you should look into who funds the anti-fracking movies and propaganda in the United States. The source of a large part of the money will surprise you.

  13. Don't search "average", search median. If the mean American made $51,000 per year, that would place the "average" income at over $60,000 per year due to all the millionaires and billionaires

    According to Wikipedia, the median average income in the USA in 2012 was $30,000 per year.
  14. Just tell us :|
  15. I say we should become less dependant on oil and find other means of energy
  16. Spelling is fine. Sentences and capitalization would help though
  17. If the mean were 51 k, then the skew right would be accounted for as it is a non-resistant measure of center. So no, the "average" would not be 60k if the mean were 51k
  18. 1997 gas was 1 dollar per gallon. In usa.
  19. Imagine if people study history. Imagine if blacks knew that 78% of democrats voted against civil rights. Imagine if people knew that the earth used to have many volcanos. One eruption puts off lots carbon dioxide. Can't drill off coast usa but 10 miles out is international waters. All countries can drill off our coast. Imagine it people didn't vote for any more stupid democrats. Imagine if all states could be like North Dakota. Imagine if usa was not the only country to conquer and rebuild for free.

    Then you would see wealthy America with cheap fuel.

    Don't like my answer. Read history.
  20. The reasoning behind the low gas is because if a barrel of gas drops below 80 dollars a barrel, it will no longer be a profitable income for Russia, therefore hurting the Russian economy. Its all a plan the us gov has been setting up 4 months, its all a game to see how many ways the us can slow Russian progress and programs.