Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Storallelite, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. Sorry about the double post, it was an accident 
  2. Thx guys! Perhaps I will(not this week I'm a bit too busy, maybe I'll start next weekend? *hint* *hint*)

    @King lol I hoped a surprised you?

    @Paradox That'll be a bit hard since the only code I know is for VB Sounds like a nice idea though, but I probably won't be able to pull it off
  3. It was a nice surprise.

    I normally consider myself intellectual enough to predict what will happen beforehand accurately.

    Well played, Storallelite.

    Well played.
  4. Look it up on the Internet
  5. It was really good, Stora.

    @d_bo Unless you can do better, please shut your mouth. Thanks.
  6. @King Ty (I hope you weren't sarcastic? Lol)

    @Paradox that's true...hmmm....

    @Dusk Ty!

    Well I suppose I'll start planning, perhaps it'll work out
  7. I think you should get it published.
  8. Get it published...

    Oh yeah, coding is fun. Again, look it up on the internet. Internet knows all 0.0
  9. @King it isn't that good

    @Lunar lol yeah
  10. Seems good enough to me to get published. Maybe introduce some more foreshadowing, start to reveal more of a plot, i.e. the girl being in the game because she lives in a post-apocalyptic world, etc.
  11. Well I was only planning on this being a one post thing...
  12. I did enjoy it but may I suggest not describing your character by having he/she look into a mirror and describe their appearance.
    There's nothing wrong with it but I find it's getting cliche. I've seen that technique used far too many times in other stories...admittedly I've fallen into that pothole a few times too.
    Back on the topic at hand: I liked it and it's well written.
  13. Lol I know, I just couldn't think of any other way at the time
  14. It's too good just to be a 1 post thing. What if I dare you to finish it?
  15. I second this dare!!
  16. Lol well it's march break so...