Game of Thrones

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ButterfIyKisses, May 3, 2014.

  1. I should and I'm temped to farm you op for ruining it for me :evil:
  2. I could spoil It more for you if you want.
  3. Really? It's been several weeks since that happened. Catch up wolfie
  4. I loved the books
  5. I'm not even going to read this thread.
    It's probably filled of book-readers showing their smug smiles and spoiling it for others.

    Oh, you know about Tyrion? You know who he joins?
    Oh, the Red woman? Castle Black?

    Jon Snow? Haha. Know what happens to him?

    R plus L = J?
    I think that's everyone's favorite spoiler.

    And no, those above aren't really spoilers. It you read the books though...
  6. If your going to post about the most amazing show on tv.. Please do not drop spoilers everyone loves game of thrones .. You dropped a huge spoiler in this post.. I'm lucky I'm caught up to the current episode.. For any future game of thrones posts keep spoilers out.. You should be silenced for that spoiler lol.. But don't worry what she said in the beginning of this forum isent really spoiling any of it.. There's so much to see if your only up to that part... The purple wedding is only 1% of the epicness.. Wait till your caught up.. I posted a forum about if you were in game of thrones what house would you choose to follow and why.. Take from my example and please no spoilers..
  7. Spoilers like blindness? 
  8. Is it me or Joffre reacted before he got slapped?
  9. You know nothing john snow.

    Nuff said.
  10. I was waiting 3 1/2 years to see that fucker die. GOT is awesome!!!!!!!
  11. I demand trail by combat!
  12. Why did I read this -.-" SPOILER ALERT
  13. Mod please lock

  14. I love the books :) better than tv shows in parts
  15. Well i have not seen Got s3 , but it was good to know that fucker king died at last. Good can u say who will b on the throne at last. I want to knoq who won the throne, but i will continue to watch seasons. Also a great fan of dwarf uncle of current king and also a good fan of Arya stark. 
  16. Stuff goes down in book 5
  17. Lots of stuff goes down. My favourite part is where the guy torturing greyjoy isn't in the book but the feel the need for him in the show
  18. Lock this SPOILER ALERT!!! Lol
  19. I've read all the books ,,,,,, who wants spoilers lol