Game Mechanics Open Dicussion

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by __-Binary_Code-__, Jan 12, 2012.

  1. Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics)

    BFA has been mentioned numerous times and I don't feel like it plays a significant enough role in this unless we're talking about very large BFA's.

    For what it's worth, the player I mentioned in the OP who had less than 5 def pots and smaller stats but won all 5 attacks from me while using 11 attack pots....their BFA was only a fraction of mine, just 2 small allies. This one example kind of sums up my concern. How can someone have every statistical odd stacked against them but still defend against 100% of attacks?
  2. Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics)

    The game mechanics have definitely changed. BFA doesn't seem as effective as it once was, and clan stat bonus, along with personal stat bonus, and pro packs doesn't seem to make much difference either.
  3. Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics)

    Wrath I agree. So the question is has KAW ripped us off? Taken our time and money for allies, items, pro packs etc only to change the mechanics and lower our advantage. Starting to feel scammed!!
  4. Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics)

    Once more. You should read all the postings before posting yourself. Lol
  5. Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics)

    Duly noted. Would be wise, I agree. :p

    @OP, Wow! That is very odd. The bfa thing I mentioned was from experience. I have hit and won against others way bigger than me, I put it down to my bfa as I had a fair amount in allies.
  6. Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics)

    as far as pro-packs are concerned i don't think it has any effect bcos I have seen in system wars that attacking a person with no pro-packs and lesser defense than my offense keeps winning the first few attks at full troops.

    Now idk what is the troop count for the opponent but I was at full troops and it happens very consistently. Also the bfa of opponent was lesser than mine. Even if the person was a reset acct that would give him 8% in reset bonuses and I have propacks which still is higher.

    Therefore, either the mechanics are screwed up or their is some hidden factor in deciding the win/loss which we don't know about. If its absolute more offense than defense should win straight up.
  7. Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics)

    @slick, there have always been some unknown elements in the game mechanics. Devs will never lay out the exact algorithm on how win/losses are determined. But considering they've defied logic for the past couple months it would be nice to get some basic clarification, especially since people are spending real money for advertised outcomes which clearly don't materialize in the day-to-day game play of kaw.
  8. Re: Observations Hitting The Battle List (game mechanics)

    Another example:

    I just hit a player with nearly identical stats as mine, except this person is currently stripped of all allies and has had 0 defense pots. Result...3/9/0. And that's using all attack items (including ones from new eb's). Before losing pots and allies I was easily pinning this same person with little to no loses.
  9. I am just opening this thread for people who showed interest in Op's thread about BL hits and were dicussing about the issue with game mechanics. Here is the link:


    Now as people did mention in that thread that game mechanics is kinda screwed up bcos it makes no sense since a person keeps loosing to someone who has less defense as compared to offense and pro-packs not being effective. Well from my experience yes it is indeed screwed up and I had brought this up previously to Wulf and Belle (i think).

    I would really like to know what other people think about it and if possible could share their experience regarding the odd issues with game mechanics.

    The reason why previous thread was closed is here

  10. not serious just trying to understand y the mechanics so screwed up, I know like some complex algorithim and thing is in place but frankly pro-packs seems to have no effect at all lol
  11. algorithim? what the ****
  12. From my experience im winning attacks against people out of eb's, with propacks and a good number of defense pots. 50% troops have 4/13 wins, -50% had 11/13....

    Seems highly wrong? Surely i should be losing a LOT more?
  13. Keep in mind that the battle list is online players or recently online. They may have depleted troops and be easier to beat.
  14. @swabia , well my experience is from system wars, happens every now and then that you loose attks to someone who have less stats than yours and you being at full troops
  15. Was it really necessary to lock the other thread in what may or may not be a valid point but was still clearly being discussed!
    Belle you may have "superior" game mechanics knowledge over everyone else in the game but you're still a doosh bag.
    I look in the forums everyday and there is so much crap that goes unlocked or is just unnecessary, but god forbid somebody makes a thread that is actually valid and interesting, but you disagree so prematurely lock.

    Good job 
  16. Yes, you also lose against osf's too. What are the numbers?

    When the change was made and we began losing to osf's there was an outrage. That may still be present in forums archive somewhere. This was after pwars that the change was made.
  17. They are screwed , a full troop 44 Coe build can lose against a 30 Coe hybrid @ full troops when the other build has no allies or pots
  18. Also a friend with 150 mil plus bfa 4 mil def was losing 5-8 attack def a day from a hansel , the math doesn't add up
  19. So take an example of one player with atk stats of 4m against another player with def stats of 3.1m. Bfa,pp, misc %bonus not an issue. The attacker is full troops, the defender is 4 hits away from pin. Should the attacker 'barely manage' to win against this defender?

    I have seen a similar scenario and it's perplexing

    Also I have gotten lots of 'from the brink of defeat the defender stops your attack' when hitting smaller players. 4/7 in one case recently.
  20. well something is forsure wrong :?