I think having clan events would be very cool. Basically like leagues in other games based on clan rank, overall, and eb completions. Then clans would compete in some sort of event with items or something and all clan members rewarded via rank in the league at the end. Also do you think updating the new clan role system to make it more suitable for clan owners/role holders to do jobs? I,e. Letting Commanders kick. Anything like this in the future?
I'm very interested in being a Game Designer, that is my goal. I am currently in college in the UK and am wondering what I could do in my free time to help achieve my goal.
It would help you to learn some programming and design a little game. Nothing major, but it would help you to familiarise yourself with the tools that the programmers would use, and better your understanding of some concepts. It could also help a little in getting a job.
Is there any plans on releasing new mith spells. New abilities would add some new depth to the game ex. 5min added plunder bonus, etc...
Is there anyway we can get a crystal clock or counter? That way we know when we're getting close to our limit for 24 hours. And if we have a clock that tells us exactly the amount of time left to Crystal. That would be oh so helpful! It'd be really cool (for us lazy people) to have a "completely dump troops/ spies" button for ebs lmao.
I didnt bother to read all 11 pages but what think would be cool is an event based on clan activity and loyalty. For example the clan as whole gets drops and only people in clan get at the time of sign up and back in the clan when it ends get rewards or something like that and then when you war you earn the drops for the clan you were in for the event its a raw idea but just something to mix things up a little and make a more team work based hunt instead of individual
While I agree that there should be a way for current players to get percent based equipment, I earned my reset equipment the hard way. It took me about 6 months of serious grinding to get through them. I'd hate to see that effort nerfed. So if there's a new reward that requires similar effort and sacrifice, then I'd support it. Today, I see it as an exclusive benefit to early adopters of the game who sacrificed growth in exchange for a long term tactical advantage. So, from my perspective, I don't view it as unfair - I view it as a reward I earned due to a long period of hard work.
When's the new eb coming out. It's been sitting there for a year now. A year. Seriously how long it take. A year, stone me. Einstein worked out the theory of relativity quicker then that.
Just curious, but do you guys have a test server to test new content and new changes before you go live? Also: This. The tier 1 epic battles are actually quite fun to do, but way too simple in todays environment. With all Lowlands unlocked it is very easy to create a build and jump straight into The Reckoning or even Tier 3 epic battles! You could sort of ste...I mean 'adapt' an idea from a very popular and classic video game where the same levels can be completed at Normal, Hell, and Nightmare difficulties, with correspondingly higher challenge rating and rewards. So you could perhaps have a Normal and Elite version of all existing EBs, with the Elite version having higher hit ratings, more plunder, and more event drops (and do something about that dumb cap that penalises lower-level eb participation). You could also address the now obsolete equipment that drops from nearly all ebs. Perhaps dust off some older, obsolete equipment that is no longer available and make them random drops from all pre-Scragg ebs to allow new players to collect a full set of (admittedly second-rate) equipment sooner. If they were random drops instead of fixed it would address one of the concerns over clan loyalty where players leave their homes to go equipment hunting and sadly never return... Lastly, I would urge you to balance this game in terms of PVP versus PVE. This is supposed to be Kingdoms At War but there is a persistant and silly obsession with enabling players to do quite well grinding epic battles all the time and is now at the stage where the event leaderboards are dominated by PVE-only players. Surely that must set some alarm bells ringing? Mithril has been so devalued now that it is a pointless reward for War participation. The players who like PVP (see the new idea of Gladiator Arena System Wars) would much prefer to be rewarded with Rampart Raider spells. Especially when they stack
I've been told that most devs play the game under other accounts - A) Is that true? And B) Does I know you or any others?๎
An off the wall thought... How about a war clan specific eb be added. By this i mean only clans that enter a minimum amount of LL Wars weekly can participate. Warriors to play such an eb cannot leave and join another clan then return and to be able to hit til they requalify. IWar would be exempt from losing the ability to hit the War EB since being placed in a IWar clan is still warring with being placed on a war roster. All War clan members staying loyal to their war clan whether warring or not r still able to hit the EB. Some may say alts etc will fill up war clans but thats fine cuz they r locked in and cannot war and only watch. The purpose of such an eb is loyalty for the benefit of war clans and its members. EB only or casual warriors or IWar only ppl r free to roam and play whichever style they may choose.