Game crash when i open clan page

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -GaBBaR-, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. Caribou- actually only for the bypass. Mentioning an app/game isn't 3rd part advertisement. Telling people it's a good game and should be played, somehow is :eek:

    Read between the lines mate ;)

    Also, original poster, i would try updated your phone. It's probably an older version that can't physically download the latest kaw version.
    If you device is of the latest model, i suggest you email and explain exactly what has happened.
    Remember to include
    -your kaw name
    -you play kaw
    -the issue and story
    Hopefully they will try patch this glitch for you :)

  2. "somehow" being because you are using the ATA platform to advertise and promote another game/application. Market share.