Also op has a valid opinion, as an idea will do no harm to the game. If it has a spark of genius it may well get implemented. How many of us think the ee wars or hte were a great idea? The masses are still divided to this day.
Everyone on this thread - toxic ideas are dumb with nothing to back it up Toxic - uses facts and backs it up with logically statements Toxic I don't know why you try :/
You wanna know why that was implemented? Bc is pissed people off and people were about to quit kaw. Plus, silences are already part of the game. Wolfie, I don't either. I guess logic and kaw just don't mix.
It should be that you get given a random match up that you bet on. So yes you could get RH but it's very rare seeing how many clans there are. There also needs to be a maximum amount you can bet. Maybe around 30bill or 40bill maximum. Not bank breaking nor can it be used to become hfbc in a week. Support.
Toxic I understand your point and I personally(45 years old) have played games that I found to be just a little over board(GTA V). I think that it is not the game that makes a kid gamble because if it was like that every kid(any age) would be out there with guns, running people over, cussing, and what ever else. So I agree with u that this could be a major problem if a kid plays this game and it has gambling in it and their parents find out but they would be able to do nothing about it(we all agreed to what ever this game had on it when we downloaded it) and it would all be up to how the kid handles it.
Maybe not double the bets but win an ampunt on money based on the strengh of the coan so if you bet on weaker clans you get more and clans like rh you your betx1.1 Full support