Gaius Iulius Caesar's Guide to Resets

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Gaius_Iulius_Caesar, Jul 17, 2011.

  1. Nice guide for the newbies! :D Noobs FTW!
  2. YES! Finally a good explanation!!!! Thank you sooo much!!! I'm gonna do an early reset and follow this guide! Thank u so much.
  3. Uh, why wouldn't you just transfer to an alt and transfer back after reset? Going through a reset after losing all your earning potential is kinda slow.
  4. Except that i didn't have an alt.It took me a week to do a reset.I reckon 3 days would do if you volley transfer in the last 3 lands.Better do some epics though so you get the cash to do quick vt's
  5. I agree with Swabia. I would encourage ppl to make alt to help with reset. Much quicker.
  6. I believe it's 11 billion not 11 million to buy all land in the low lands.
  7. I transferred the 13b to Distance when he reset. He volleyed to me and I volleyed back. He was BC in a day.

    So no, I never reset and I don't have an alt. He doesn't have an alt but he didn't wanna spend forever rebuilding.

    Grannybanger did his resets back to back with his alt. took him 4 days because you can only reset once a day. He kept all his cash except the loss of $ transferring.

    I'm not saying your method doesn't work I'm saying it's a waste of time.
  8. Wouldn't it be easyer to volley transfer a friend/alt 50 billion and go through all resets without building anything, and then continue growth? Still, a good a guide. May I suggest that you space up the into into multiple paragraphs?
  9. It's a guide to doing it the hard way. So technically it's a good guide if you want to waste time.
  10. Sorry,i was inactive for some time.I rummaged for this guide as my clan likes to do resets.@Swabia..Yes.It's easier to vt.You can make 12 bill and transfer them to an alt in one day,but how about for noobs who are new to the game ,therefore have no alts?This guide is for them.
  11. You can get vollied and use volley money to buy pots ( origins or hauntings usually ) and get a huge payout even if you don't get all pots.
    You can do all resets in less than or close to a week. That way takes a lot longer I believe.
  12. Not trying to troll or anything lol
  13. Aloe, the return key doesn't create indents. Its effect is the same as the enter key on a computer.
  14. @Hades.I haven't thought of getting vollied and using the money to do pots in haunting.How much money can you make just by doing pots?Is this an easier way to explore 24 lands then reset?
  15. A good round of pots ( around 200-300) doing -1danage each allowing for a lot of pots(don't build or damage from items goes up then less pots) I'll get around 1.6bil but that's a rough estimate if you can get all pots with only one attack building I imagine the plunder would be close to 5bil (sorry if my "calculations" are off)
  16. This is with my alt Cronus btw ....
  17. It also depends on your clan if they are willing to let a small players to take pots mine doesn't so I have to catch item phase quick
  18. Lol there are threads in this method but you'd have to search for them lol