Bring beer to 726, that was also my apt number. New people move in down stairs and brought up a case of beer.
My school's public wifi is SD33 Public With the password R3qu1r3d (Which obviously spells required) (This is for the students, has poor connection and slow speeds) The teacher only one SD33Private I have the password for it Password: sd33techkey4districtusage/44877/49-08-41-33/121-58-58-53/44ft It has great connectivity and speed.... Never drops connection...
I saw three in my neighborhood "Swag_In_A_Box" "Nacho_Swag" "ItsMySwag" Coincindence? I think not Saw others too "DarthWiFi" "Can't_Use_This" (MC Hammer...) "UUUP--UUURS" "NotAWifi" "MyWi-FiBringsAllDaGirlsToDaYard" "DamnRightMinesBetterThanYours" "WeeFee" "*****_Please" (also means girl dog) "ILikeTaterTots"