Funny WiFi names

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Saints_Row, Apr 26, 2014.

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  1. Step one
    turn or or have mobile hotspot

    Step two
    Name SSID. "Free Public WiFi"

    Step three
    People watch. You will see some rage. This is fun to do at restaurants or a pub.
  2. I saw one named the "password_is_password" sadly it wasn't 
  3. I saw one in red robin once named douchecanoe
  4. "get a job and get your own"
  5. My friend's wifi is "MyHawksHard." Say it fast and you'll see what I mean :)
  6. My friends hotspot is "YourWelcome" with no password.
  7. Oops made a typo^ lol
  8. "Can't Hack This" password "challengeaccepted"
  9. "BasicWhiteGirlsOnly" is a great one to use in a Starbucks
  10. My friends car is FBI Van
  11. Nachyo Network
  12. I just came across one that said "thisismyshitgetyourownshit"
  13. Dang didn't post whole thing
  14. "this is my **** get your own ****"
  15. My friends hotspot is GO AWAY
  16. "I beat baby seals" prob the most random one I've seen before 
  17. I would name mine 'Nacho Wifi"
  18. DAMN IT, SUGAR!!!
  19. Saw one that was "hack if you can" and he got on the next morning and it was "challenge accepted"
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