Funny WiFi names

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Saints_Row, Apr 26, 2014.

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  1. moose lips
  2. IAmTheDevil,that's why I moved from my old neighborhood
  3. Wifi Open if you want to get hacked*

     Never tryed to steal it 
  4. "Wecaughtyoustealing" my neighbors wifi
  5. Pay Your Own Goddamn Bills
  6. Chuck-Norris'dog
  7. Guy across the street has FBI_VAN_7
  8. I've come across fgyvgyhujbjh
  9. GetYourOwnWiFiNetwork
  10. I once seen

    Nigga get your own wifi
    Next one down was
    Nigga I have my own wifi
  11. GetYourOwnWifiPeter

    my neighbors name is peter
  12. Join for a Free Virus!
  13. Welcome To The Dark Side
  14. "YellBOOBSinClassForPassword"
    Turn on your hotspot at school and see who tries to get the password; lol.

    The password isn't tacos. 

    "Get Off My LAN"
    Yes, it's actually a WLAN, but LAN is still technically correct (albeit less specific).

    I knew exactly which neighbor that was directed towards. Lol.

    I guess someone got a dime-sack of stems .

    It's pretty much self-explanatory.
  15. Oh i had a pic where someone at school was sharing wifi named:

  16. I was eating at a resturant, and I took out my phone to play kaw. But first, I checked to see if there were any free wifi spots around, so I could save my data. Then I came across a network called "Super Virus".

    I used my data.
  17. The Matrix
  18. "Bob is sexy" and "Bob is not sexy"
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